Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Another Major Power Has Just Been Won Today July 12, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got some more major news to report from inside the Big Brother season 21 house. Earlier today, July 12, 2019 the latest and final Whacktivity competition took place.
Unlike last week, we have been able to find out who won it, and what their special power is. Before we jump into that, let’s do a brief recap of the events that led up to this wild moment. Last night during the LIVE eviction show, poor Kemi was indeed voted out of the Big Brother game and sent to “Camp Comeback” by a landslide vote of 10-1.
The only reason it wasn’t unanimous is because Jackson decided to throw in a hinky vote to cause a little confusion in the house.
After Kemi was voted out, the rest of the remaining houseguests competed for the new HOH (Head Of Household) crown. Nick ended up pulling out the victory. That leads us up to today’s final Whacktivity comp of the season.
According to Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds, the new Whacktivity comp involved the houseguests having to deal with nasty cockroaches. So, they really had to earn this special power this week.
After everything was all said and done, freaking Christie emerged as the winner! So, that just gave the big, oversized Gr8tful alliance even more power.
The special power that Christie won is the legendary Diamond Power Of Veto. That’s right, guys. Christie didn’t get a lame power like Jack did. This is some game changing stuff.
For those of you who don’t know or have forgotten what the Diamond Power Of Veto can do, it allows the holder to not only take someone off the chopping block during the veto ceremony, it also allows them to name the replacement nominee.
So, this is really huge, and big mouth Christie has it. This is very upsetting. On a bright note, at least Jackson didn’t get it.
How do you guys feel about Christie winning the Diamond Power Of Veto? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Additionally, some very interesting things took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds last night. At around 7:22 pm pacific time, July 11,2019, Nick was seen telling Tommy, “I have nothing against Kemi, but I was there for her and what she said in her eviction speech really hurt me.” (Kemi said Nick and Bella were playing both sides of the house.)
Everyone was trying to figure out who the hinky vote for Kemi was. Blame got thrown onto Nicole. At one point, Nick said, “I was thinking of putting Cliff and Jessica up, but I might just do Nicole now.”
At around 7:25 pm, Kemi and Bella got into a very intense fight. Things almost turned physical too! Bella started raising her voice at Kemi, and Kemi said, “There is no need to yell.”
After that, Bella put her hands on Kemi’s arms. Kemi said, “Don’t touch me.” Then she knocked Bella’s arms away. Kemi told Bella, “You wouldn’t ever say to my face what you’ve said to others.”
At around 7:37 pm, Jackson told Holly he was the hinky vote to keep Kemi, and he made her promise not to tell anyone.
At around 9:20 pm, Nick told Jackson that he’s definitely thinking of nominating Cliff and Nicole, and that he’s not even worried about Jessica right now. Nick also said he thinks Cliff or Nicole have a special power.
At around 9:56 pm, Analyse was seen telling Nicole, “I wanna work with you. So, I want to make sure you’re safe. I want to make sure Nick knows that rogue vote wasn’t you.”
At around 10:50 pm,Analyse and Christie were seen talking about how they want to make sure they get Cliff out this week.
At around 12 am today, July 12, 2019, Nick revealed that he’s certain he wants to nominate Cliff for eviction this week, and it’s a toss up between Nicole and Jessica for the other nomination.
At around 12:10 am , Bella aka Isabella started to catch on that Jackson might have been the hinky vote based on his actions of trying to blame Nicole and Cliff. Bella also convinced Nick that Jackson was the culprit. Nick eventually told Bella he doesn’t want to nominate Nicole or Kathryn.
At around 1:15 am, Nick told Nicole she’s safe this week. “I don’t believe you were the rogue vote. If I have to make a renom, it’ll be Kathryn.”
Judging from all of that, it appears that Cliff will certainly be nominated this week, and we’ll just have to wait and see who the other nomination will be. Maybe it’s Jessica. Who knows? A lot could happen now that Christie has won the Diamond Power Of Veto.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, July 14, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the Whacktivity competition along with some of this great conversation footage, and only God knows what else. So, be sure to tune in for that one if you want to see all of that good stuff.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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