‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, July 21, 2019 Episode 8 Revealed

‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, July 21, 2019 Episode 8 Revealed

Hey, “Fear The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 7. Now that it’s officially all wrapped up and just a footnote in time, it’s time to see what is going to be taking place in the next, new episode 8.

Thanks to the lovely AMC folks, we do have a few teaser descriptions for the new episode 8. So, we will definitely be referencing those for this spoiler session.

To get things started, we’re going to take a look at this title for episode 8. It is officially named, “Is Anybody Out There?” It sounds like episode 8 will feature some very suspenseful, dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes as Morgan ,Grace and Alicia attempt to get more time.

Dorie and Dwight race against the elements. A surprise source lends Wendell and Sarah a helping hand and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Morgan, Grace and Alicia situation. It turns out that Morgan, Grace and Alicia will indeed be trying to scrounge up more minutes on the clock to do whatever it is they need to do in this episode.

AMC’s official description tells us, “Up against the clock, Morgan, Grace, and Alicia work to buy time.”

Will Morgan, Grace and Alicia be successful in acquiring the extra time they need? Or will the situation just be too overwhelming? Those are a couple of big questions for this particular scenario.

We’ll definitely have to wait and see. Whatever ends up happening, we’re certain this storyline will deliver a ton of suspense, action and drama for you guys to look forward to.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Dorie and Dwight will also have an issue with a lack of time in this episode. They will be trying to race against the elements in this one. AMC’s description tells us, “Dorie and Dwight race against the elements.”

Will Dorie and Dwight do what they need to do with these elements? Or will they fail miserably? Those are the huge questions for their particular storyline. This definitely is another situation that could possibly deliver some very intense and suspenseful scenes.

Lastly, we’ve got this 3rd spoiler scoop. It involves Sarah and Wendell in action. Apparently, they will be in a predicament where they need some help with something, and they’re going to end up getting it from a source that neither us nor them would ever expect! AMC’s description tells us, “Sarah and Wendell get help from an unexpected source.”

Who is this surprising source that gives Sarah and Wendell a helping hand? That is the obvious, major question for this particular situation. We’ll definitely just have to wait and see unless AMC’s new preview clip gives it away later on tonight.

Whatever the case, it sounds like this storyline could offer up some very intriguing scenes for you guys. So, be on the lookout for that one next week.

Again, we definitely expect AMC to release a new preview clip on Youtube for the new episode 8 later on tonight after episode 7 airs. So, be sure to search for it on there a few hours after episode 7 airs if you want to get some extra intel on episode 8 as well a visual idea of what’s going to take place.

AMC confirmed that episode 8 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, July 21, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time. Also, it appears that episode 8 will indeed be the midseason finale episode for this current season 5. We’ll have to let you guys know, at a later date, when the second half will start up.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Fear The Walking Dead” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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