NCIS Agent Gibbs Is About To Face Major, Life Threatening Danger Very Soon In Season 16

Hey, NCIS Fans. We’ve got another new season 16 report for you guys. CBS recently served up the press release for their upcoming episode 3 that’s scheduled to air this coming Tuesday night ,October 9, 2018. Before we get into this article, we must warn you guys that it does contain some brief spoiler teasers for episode 3 as CBS’ press release does feature a brief teaser description of the episode.
If any of you do not wish to know anything about the upcoming episode 3, you should definitely stop reading this article now. If you’re ok with getting a little teaser for episode 3, by all means please continue reading this article.
Alright, now that we got our little warning out of the way, let’s get into this. First off, CBS’ press release revealed that episode 3 is entitled, “Boom.” Yep, nice and simple. Just “Boom” in your face. You’re about to find out why “Boom” is a very propper title for this episode. Some major bomb action will take place in this episode.
This episode sounds like it will indeed feature some very extreme and interesting moments as one of the agents gets very startstruck while investigating. Director Vance is back in action, attempting to undergo rehab. Agent Gibbs opens up a box which appears to contain a deadly bomb and more!
The first storyline we’ll go over is the starstruck situation. It turns out that one of the NCIS agents is really going to get quite startstruck when the team investigates a serious explosion at a reality star celebrity’s house. CBS’ official description tells us, “One of the NCIS agents is starstruck after the team investigates an explosion outside the home of Navy Petty Officer First Class Todd Nicholas (Cameron Radice) and his wife popular reality TV star Sheba Nicholas (Tara Holt).”
An alternate description reads like this, “One of the NCIS agents is starstruck after the team investigates an explosion outside the home of a Navy Seal and popular reality TV star.”
Which agent gets startstruck? That’s a big question for this particular situation. We’ll definitely have to tune in to find out that information because CBS is keeping it top secret.
The second teaser reveals that we’ll see more of Director Vance back in action as he tries to undergo some physical therapy for all of his injuries he incurred as a hostage. CBS’ description reads like this, “Vance continues physical therapy for the injuries sustained when he was held hostage.”
CBS also released a preview clip for episode 3 which where we found out about the major trouble that Agent Gibbs is about to encounter. Towards the end of the clip, Gibbs is seen opening a brown box with Kasie in the room. Before Gibb’s opens it, he asks Kasie,”What’s in it?” Then it shows Gibbs opening the box. From the very small glimpse we got, it sure looked like a bomb of some sort.
Before that scene, the clip features all kinds serious bomb threats going on. Heck, it starts off with Gibbs telling the team, “Explosion outside the Navy Seals house.” Agent Sloane is seen telling Vance, “The agency is trying to stop a serial bomber.” McGee is seen telling the team, “Another bomb just detonated.” Gibbs is seen saying, “Who is the third target?”
There’s a scene where Bishop is seen yelling, “We just have a few questions.” In the next frame, the NCIS team is seen diving for their lives to get away from a major bomb explosion! It looks crazy intense guys. You can check out the new preview clip for NCIS season 16,episode 3 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
CBS also released a couple of preview photos for episode 3. A lot of the pics show McGee, Bishop and Gibbs doing their big investigation. Torres is spotted on the investigation scene as well in one of the photos. Director Vance is spotted in a couple of the snapshots, appearing to have a nice conversation. You guys can view all of the episode 3 preview photos over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.
Episode 3 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Scott William Winters as character (Westley Clark), Cameron Radice as character (Navy Petty Officer First Class Todd Nicholas), Tara Holt as character (Sheba Nicholas), JD Walsh as character (Leonard Finnik), Zach Tinker as character (David West).
Minerva Garcia as character (NCIS lawyer Taylor Hanna), Naomi Grace as character (Kayla Vance), Dionne Gipson as character (Mallory), Sharon Gardner as character (Physical therapist Ava), Kent Shocknek as character (ZNN News Anchor Guy Ross), Julien Ari as character (Walt Fergus), Lana McKissack as character (Edie Samples) and Sylvia Kwan as character (Gwen Eisley).
The season regulars for episode 3 are: Mark Harmon as character (NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs), Sean Murray as character (NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee), Emily Wickersham as character (NCIS Special Agent Eleanor “Ellie” Bishop), Wilmer Valderrama as character (NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres).
Maria Bello as character (NCIS Special Agent Jaqueline “Jack” Sloane), Brian Dietzen as character (Dr. Jimmy Palmer), Diona Reasonover as character (Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines), Rocky Carroll as character (NCIS Director Leon Vance) and David McCallum as character (Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard).
Episode 3 was written by Brendan Fehily, and Leslie Libman directed it. CBS’ press release confirmed that episode 3 will indeed air this Tuesday night, October 9, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That will wrap it up for this special season 16 report. Definitely stay tuned for more NCIS news. You guys can follow us on our NCIS Facebook page for more NCIS news by Clicking Here.