‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Liam Is About To Do Something That Could Cause A Major Turning Point For Steffy

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. As we’ve previously reported, this upcoming week is going to be one hell of a week for “The Bold And The Beautiful.” We think a major turning point for Steffy and her recent nice-girl routine is about to totally get exposed. It will all be set up by something major that Liam ends up doing this week of November 26 to November 30, 2018.
We’re going to start to see the situation develop early on in the week when Steffy and Liam start arguing about Taylor being around baby Kelly. Apparently, Liam is going to have a real big problem with it since he knows that Taylor was the one who shot Bill. He’s worried about Taylor’s mental stability and what not. CBS’ official description tells us, “Steffy and Liam have a disagreement about Taylor and her role in Kelly’s life.” An alternate description reads like this, “Liam and Steffy disagree about Taylor’s stability and her role in baby Kelly’s life.”
After that, Liam is going to catch Taylor going off on his wife Hope about stealing Liam away from Steffy. This will further cause Liam to doubt whether or not Taylor should be around his daughter Kelly. Liam is also going to confront Taylor about it her argument with Hope.
It won’t stop there though. Taylor is going to also go off on Brooke and accuse her of bullying Steffy. This is where things will get real interesting because in this same episode, Liam is going to do that major thing that could turn this whole storyline upside down and inside out.
He’s going to tell Hope that Taylor was the one who shot Bill in the back! Yep, it’s so true, guys. CBS’ official description tells us, “Hope is shocked and concerned when Liam divulges to her that Taylor is the one who shot Bill.” An alternate description reads like this, “Hope is stunned when Liam confides that Taylor shot Bill.”
The really important words we took from that description is that Hope is really shocked and concerned. Hope is not going to be so keen on keeping this a secret like Liam and Steffy are especially after she finds out that Taylor went off on Brooke again. Hope is going to be so worried that she’s going to try to protect her mother Brooke the best way she knows how. CBS’ description tells us, “Hope decides she needs to protect Brooke the only way she knows how.” An alternate description reads like this, “Hope decides to protect her mother.”
Here’s what we think that means. We totally think it means Hope is going to rat Taylor out to the police! If we’re right, can you guys imagine what that will do to Steffy? We certainly can. Steffy will be totally devastated by it, and guess who she’ll want to take her vengeance out on? If you’re thinking that Steffy will totally want to go after Hope for this, you would be correct. Just imagine that coupled with the fact that Hope is now with Liam. It’s going to totally bring this thing to a head.
No more nice-girl Steffy for Hope. It’s going to be on after that. Everybody better look out. Steffy will not be playing around anymore if Hope does actually turn Taylor in to the cops. It’s definitely safe to assume that all hell will break loose with Steffy.
CBS also released a very intense preview clip for the upcoming November 26 to 30, 2018 episodes. It features a glimpse at some very interesting scenes that further hint Liam’s actions may have led to a very serious problem for Taylor.
One of the scenes features Steffy and Liam having a very intense conversation. Steffy is seen asking Liam, “What have you done?” And Steffy looks very upset. We totally think this could be about something gone terribly wrong with Taylor. Another scene features Steffy and Taylor. Taylor is absolutely bawling in tears of fear that her Bill shooting secret is in jeopardy. Steffy is seen telling Taylor,”It’s our secret. I promise.”
It shows a brief glimpse at Liam and Hope talking about Taylor. He’s seen telling her, “When pushed, she can go to extremes.” We definitely think that’s totally going to make Hope worry about the safety of her mother Brooke.
Another scene features Brooke telling Steffy of Bill,”Somebody tried to kill him. And if they did it once, they’re going to try again.” Steffy ,not surprisingly, looks very worried in this scene because she knows Bill’s shooter was her mother, and people are starting to talk about the shooting again.
Another lesser scene to make note of is that Wayne Brady will be seen for the first time, portraying Zoe’s father Dr. Reese Buckingham. He’s seen saying, “Surprise” to Zoe in the scene.” CBS’s official description for his first appearance reads like this, “Dr. Reese Buckingham arrives in Los Angeles from London, much to the irritation of his daughter, Zoe.”
An alternate description reads like this, “Zoe is irritated by the arrival of her father as Wayne Brady joins B&B as Dr. Reese Buckingham.” You guys can view the new preview clip for the upcoming Bold And The Beautiful November 26 to 30, 2018 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Alright guys. As you can see, it definitely looks like we could see a major turning point for “The Bold And The Beautiful” this week. We’re very excited about it because things were getting a bit dull.
What do you guys think about Liam revealing to Hope that Taylor shot Bill? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this report, but definitely stay tuned for more. The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.