‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Taylor Hayes Is About To Cause Major Drama With Liam & Steffy This Week

‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Taylor Hayes Is About To Cause Major Drama With Liam & Steffy This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. In this new report, we’ve got a whole lot to tell you in regards to Steffy’s crazy mother Taylor Hayes. She’s about to stir up some major drama for most of this upcoming week of November 26 to November 30, 2018!

Before we get into all of it, we must warn you guys that this article does contain a couple of spoiler teasers. If you don’t want to see any spoiler teasers, it’s highly advised that you exit this article right now. For those of you who don’t care about spoiler teasers, by all means please keep on reading this article.

Alright, now that we’ve got our spoiler warning out of the way, let’s dive right into all this upcoming Taylor Madness that’s just about to explode. The first thing we’re hearing Taylor will do, is just totally go off on Hope! It turns out that Taylor is still sitting around and stewing over Hope stealing Liam away from Steffy.

CBS’ official description tells us, “Taylor calls out Hope for stealing Steffy’s office and her husband.” An alternate description reads like this, “Taylor confronts Hope about taking Steffy’s office and husband away from her.”

Things will really get interesting when Liam catches Taylor going off on Hope. Yep, that’s definitely going to happen, and it will certainly cause Liam to pull Taylor aside for some intense confrontation action. CBS’ description tells us, “Liam catches Taylor lashing out at Hope. An alternate description reads like this, “Liam takes Taylor to task after walking in on her berating a pregnant Hope.”

Apparently, Bill is going to hear about Taylor’s recent antics against Liam and his wife,and he’s going to get highly pissed off about it to the point where he’s losing his patients with her! He’s also definitely going to let Steffy know about it. CBS’ description tells us, “Bill informs Steffy that he’s losing patience with Taylor.” An alternate description reads like this, “Stunned that Taylor confronted Liam, Bill lets Steffy know that her mother is testing his patience.”

Uh oh. That means Bill could get driven to the point where he might reconsider keeping Taylor’s big secret from the police. As most of you know, Taylor is the one who actually shot Bill in the back. So, that really could give Taylor a very serious problem if Bill ever decided to turn her in.

Even after all the Hope drama, Taylor will still be in drama-smoke mode. She’s going to take her crazy rage over to Brooke and start accusing her of bullying Steffy! CBS’ description tells us, “Taylor accuses Brooke of bullying Steffy and promises not to let history repeat itself with Steffy and Hope.” An alternate description reads like this, “Taylor squares off with Brooke about bullying Steffy and vows not to let history repeat itself with their daughters.”

Finally, after Taylor delivers all of her drama smoke, she’s going to run back and tell Liam and Steffy all about the issues she’s caused with Hope and Brooke. CBS’ description tells us, “Taylor updates Steffy and Liam on her confrontations with Hope and Brooke.” An alternate description reads like this, “Taylor tells Liam and Steffy about her confrontation with Hope and Brooke.”

I think it will be very interesting to see what Steffy and Liam’s reactions will be after Taylor tells them about all the trouble she’s caused. We’re also hearing that this will cause Hope to make a decision to protect Brooke. CBS’ description tells us, “Hope decides to protect her mother.” An alternate description reads like this, “Hope decides she needs to protect Brooke the only way she knows how.”

We definitely thought that sounded quite interesting. What is Hope going to do to protect Brooke? That’s the major question for that particular plotline. I think we might know what it is. If it’s what we think it is, it could cause Taylor some major problems with the law! Yeah, we’re also hearing that Liam is going to spill to Hope that Taylor shot Bill. So now, Hope is going to know about it, and she could use that knowledge to turn Taylor in to the police! So, things could get really crazy, guys.

If Hope actually does this to Steffy’s mother, I can definitely imagine that will spawn the death of Steffy’s recent nice-girl routine that she’s been trying so hard to pull off. We can totally see Steffy getting enraged and ready to take out some major vengeance on Hope and whoever else helped out in getting her Mother thrown in jail.

I think things are really about to heat up on the “Bold And The Beautiful,” guys. I’m really excited about it. I was wondering when good Steffy would turn bad again, and I really think this could be the turning point. We’ll have to wait and see.

CBS also released a preview clip for this week’s November 26 to 30, 2018 episodes. It shows a glimpse of a couple of scenes we’ll see this week. One of them features Steffy asking Liam, “What have you done?” And Steffy is looking extremely upset. I think this has to do with the Taylor possibly getting turned in to the police theory I just mentioned. You guys can view that preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Bold And The Beautiful” report, but definitely stay tuned for more. We think we might have a new one just right around the corner. All the Taylor drama will be starting as early as this Monday’s November 26, 2018 episode, and she’s going to be featured in all of this week’s episodes. So, it will definitely be a Taylor week which could finally give us the turning point we’ve been waiting for from Steffy.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.

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