Grey’s Anatomy Former April Kepner Star Sarah Drew Recently Spoke About Her Departure Again

Grey’s Anatomy Former April Kepner Star Sarah Drew Recently Spoke About Her Departure Again

Happy Sunday, Grey’s Anatomy fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. We’ve got a new report for all of you Sarah Drew aka April Kepner fans out there. It turns out that she had little bit more to say about her departure from Grey’s Anatomy with the folks over at Us Magazine .

As most of you may recall, Sarah was laid off from Grey’s Anatomy for reported creative reasons. The showrunner Krista Vernoff said they just didn’t have anymore story to tell for April Kepner. At the time, Krista said the same thing for Jessica Capshaw’s Arizona Robbin character.

During Sarah’s latest interview with Us Magazine, she told them that she thinks the April Kepner character is still apart of her in some way since she had to play the character for nine months out of the year. Sarah also feels like she said goodbye to her April character in a healthy way and is looking forward to the future.

She stated, “She’s part of me, and she’ll always be part of me, you know? She’s lived kind of inside my skin for nine months of the year for nine years, so yeah, she does feel like part of me, but I really do feel like I got to say goodbye to her in a really healthy way. I feel like I’m onto the next. I feel like it was a beautiful season of my life, and I’m so thankful for it in very way and I’m just excited about the future now.”

Us Magazine pointed out that Sarah had some pretty emotional things to say about Grey’s Anatomy in her last interview with them. At that time, she said it was painful to watch the show now because it seemed like her TV family had moved on with out her. She stated, “It’s a little painful to go and watch your family move on without you, but I wish everybody the best and I know they’re having a wonderful time.”

Next, they revealed that Sarah has a new production out called, “Christmas Pen Pals.” She explained that she actually met her husband through being pen pals with him first. She stated, “My husband Peter Lanfer, and I worked at a camp together and he started writing me handwritten letters after the camp. We lived across the country from each other. So, it was all through handwritten letters and in a letter he asked me for my email dress. In an email he asked for my phone number and then we started calling and our first date was eight months after we started writing letters to one another. It’s very romantic.”

After that, Sarah talked about the wonderful times she spends with her husband saying,”We have two little kids, so most date nights for us is just getting out of the house and going out to dinner and having a nice bottle of wine. We love going to eat at different kinds of places and try[ing] really fun cuisines.”

Sarah’s new “Christmas Pen Pals” TV movie aired on December 15, 2018. The synopsis for it reads like this, “Following an unexpected breakup weeks before Christmas, Hannah (Drew), tech wiz and creator of the dating app, Perfect One, heads home for the holidays, challenged to save her failing business by re-conceiving a new romantic dating model.

Upon her return she runs into her high school boyfriend, Sam (Matter) who she has carefully avoided for years and reluctantly makes a deal with her dad, Ted (Gross) to sign up for the town’s Christmas Cupid, an anonymous holiday pen pal service. As the season progresses, Hannah is smitten by each beautifully written letter she receives and starts to believe that her Christmas pen pal could be her soul mate.

It’s not until Christmas Eve that everyone must reveal their true identities to their pen pals, even if it means coming face to face with the last person they ever expected.” You guys can watch it over at by Clicking Here.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Grey’s Anatomy report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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