New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Head Of Household Winner Revealed For January 26, 2019

Happy Saturday, fellow Big Brother fans. As most of you are well aware, poor Jonathan Bennett was the first one to get evicted in last night’s LIVE eviction show. After all those festivities, the remaining houseguests competed in a new Head Of Household competition. It started at around 8:18 pm pacific standard time on the Celebrity Big Brother Live feeds.
It was an endurance competition where everyone had to hang on to their place on a wall for dear life. The last one standing, won the new Head Of Household crown for round 2. At around 8:24 pm, the houseguests got sugar dumped all over them to make their task of holding on to the wall that much more difficult. No one dropped from the sugar blast.
At around 8:34 pm, production hit the houseguests with green gel. At around 8:35 pm, Tom started struggling, claiming his arms hurt. Eventually, Tom was the first one to drop at 8:43 pm. Right after Tom dropped, Kandi decided to let go, saying she just didn’t want to be the first one to drop. Well, she accomplished that unlofty goal.
At around 9 pm, production blasted the remaining houseguests with beer, cups and coasters, and they said it hurt. At around 9:05 pm, Ricky started to struggle and dropped off. At around 9:10 pm, Joey started complaining about being too cold and his knees starting to knock. At around 9:15 pm, Tamar said she wanted to quit the comp, but wanted a latter to climb down instead of dropping.
That’s a humorous first for Big Brother. I can honestly say I’ve never seen someone demand a latter to get down from the wall. I’m cracking up right now. Anyways, it gets even worse for Tamar. When production would not give Tamar a latter, she started crying. The other houseguests told her to just drop when the wall tilted. She wouldn’t do it. However, she finally dropped after she was forced to dangle for a while. Tamar is freaking crazy.
After all of that madness, Dina started shaking and finally dropped at the 9:32 pm mark. At around 9:40 pm, production blasted the houseguests with fire extinguishers. At around 9:50 pm, Kato , Eva Marie, Lolo, and Joey were the only ones left. Kato tried to pitch a deal to Joey saying, “You’ll be safe if you drop.” Dina told Joey to stay up there. At 9:53 pm , Lolo finally dropped, saying she didn’t want to risk injuring her shoulder again.
At around 9:56 pm, Joey finally dropped, leaving Eva Marie and Kato as the final two. Kato immediately asked Eva Marie to drop, and she did. So, Kato is our new Head Of Household for this round!
How do you guys feel about Kato Kaelin being the new Head of Household? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
After the HOH competition, Kato was seen saying he’s going to nominate Dina because he thinks she’s after him. He also didn’t like how Dina encouraged Joey not to drop when he tried to offer Joey a deal. Ryan tried to make a deal to be an ally of Kato’s if he didn’t nominate him. Ryan also told Kato about the deal he and Jonathan made with the girls and how it has fallen apart. Ryan said he thinks the girls are in an alliance too.
Lolo revealed something pretty interesting about Joey. She told Eva Marie that Joey was complaining like a little baby during the whole competition. At one point, he even told production through his mic that the comp is too brutal, and they need to speed it up. It seems that Joey thinks much more of himself than he actually is.
Ryan indicated that he wants Lolo to get nominated this round. Joey and Ryan definitely agreed that one of the women need to get evicted next. Ryan , Lolo and Eva Marie talked about trying to possibly backdoor Ryan this round.
That was pretty much it for the important chit chats last night. As always,you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
Another new Celebrity Big Brother episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, January 27, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect that one to feature the HOH competition footage.
Kato’s eviction nominations are expected to take place later on today, January 26,2019. We’ll definitely report the results of that. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.