New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Head Of Household Winner Revealed For February 9, 2019

Happy Saturday, fellow Big Brother fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. Last night, February 8, 2019, we saw poor Natalie Eva Marie and Tom Green bite the eviction dust during an exciting LIVE, double eviction episode.
As usual, the remaining housguests participated in another Head Of Household competition a few hours after the LIVE eviction show, and a new Head Of Household was indeed crowned. After everything was all said and done, the former NFL football player Ricky Williams finally pulled off his first Head Of Household win! That’s right, guys. Ricky is the new HOH for this current round 6!
Since the number of houseguests is now just dwindled down to a mere five people, it’s pretty easy to predict who Ricky will nominate for eviction. He’s been working with Tamar and Lolo this whole time. So, we’re about 99.9 percent sure that Ricky will nominate Kandi and Dina for eviction.
We can never say we’re 100 percent sure because it’s Big Brother, and literally anything can happen. Expect the unexpected, right? Look what Tom did in the last round, taking his nemesis Ricky off the block with the veto! It’s crazy in that house I tell ya.
Anyways,how do you guys feel about Ricky Williams claiming the new Head Of Household title for this current round 6? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
A couple of interesting conversations took place on the live feeds after the Head Of Household competition. Ricky told Lolo, “Kandi shouldn’t have called me out. She’ll be going home if she doesn’t win the veto.” Ricky went on to say, “I don’t want to stay in the HOH room ,and I will offer it to Kandi and Dina.” Lolo said, “The room is toxic.”
At around 11:15 pm pacific time, Kandi was seen talking with Dina. Kandi definitely expects to be nominated with Dina. Dina revealed that she thinks she’s the target this round. Why Dina would think she’s a bigger target than Kandi is a mystery to me, but ok.
At around 11:45 pm,Lolo was seen asking Tamar if she was afraid to be in the final 2 with her. Tamar said, “I think a lot of the houseguests are upset with me.” Lolo said, “Actually, a lot of the houseguests like you, and I expect you to get America’s Favorite Player.” Lolo went on to say that she thinks America’s Favorite Player will come down to Tom and Tamar getting the most votes.
Tamar revealed that she doesn’t think Tom is a favorite. However, Lolo pointed out to Tamar that Tom got a lot of cheers from the crowd when he got evicted. Tamar said she thinks the crowd was cheering more for the fact that Tom got evicted and not for him. So clearly, Tamar is crazy and delusional as usual. I also think Tamar showed a lot of bad sportsmanship when Tom was trying to make his nice exit from the house last night. Tom was trying to hug everyone and wish them luck, and Tamar was just being rude as hell. She’s definitely one of the most annoying houseguests ever.
Anyways, at around 12:00 am today, February 9, 2019, Ricky was seen confirming to Tamar that he is nominating Kandi and Dina for eviction this round. So, no surprises there of course.
At around 12:20 am, Dina revealed that she must be dazed and confused when she asked Kandi who she thought Ricky will nominate. Kandi told Dina,”Obviously, it’s going to be the two of us.” Dina then said she was wondering who Ricky would put up as a replacement nominee if one them wins veto. Obviously, Kandi didn’t really have an answer for that, but we think it would be Tamar. At least, that’s who we hope it would be.
At around 1:05 am, Tamar was seen asking Lolo who she would take to the final 2. Lolo told Tamar that she doesn’t know right now. Tamar told Lolo, “No one likes me.” Lolo said, “Dina and Kandi don’t have any blood on their hands.”
At around 4:10 am, Ricky was seen telling Lolo, “I don’t care about winning ,and I will just make my case at the end.” That was it for all the interesting game conversations that took place last night and into today’s early morning hours. As usual, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
We’re expecting Ricky’s nomination ceremony to take place later on today, and we’ll certainly let you guys know the results of it after it happens.
Another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is scheduled to air this Monday night, February 11, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.