New Big Brother Season 20 Premiere Date Finally Revealed By CBS

Hey fellow Big Brother fans. It’s finally that time guys! CBS has finally revealed when the upcoming season 20 is supposed to debut. The big announcement took place just a few hours ago today, May 22, 2018 according to the folks over at TV Line.
In their new report, they said that CBS announced the new season 20 will be hitting the airwaves for the very first time on Wednesday night, June 27, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on of course CBS. So, you guys will want to be sure to mark that very important date down on your TV calendars.
They also report that host Julie Chen posted a very creative video on her official Twitter account which sort of cryptically revealed the premiere date for season 20. The video had Will Smith’s classic “Summertime” hit song playing in the background.
First, it showed a Big Brother beach ball. After that,the camera zoomed over to show us a yellow rubber ducky. Next, they showed a houseguest key with the name Julie on it and a paper note that had the number “20” written on it. From there, the camera zoomed to a door knob of a house that had the number “6” written on a piece of paper.
Then the camera zoomed over to what appears to be a black Big Brother t-shirt with a paper note that had the number 2 written on it. Then last, but most certainly not least, the camera zoomed over to a red Big Brother coffee mug, and right behind it was a piece of paper with the number 7 written on it.
It’s a cute, little video. You guys can check it out on Julie Chen’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
TV Line also revealed that the premiere episode will be 2 hours long. So, get prepped for that. The show will air three days a week again. It’s going to air on Wednesday nights at 7 pm central standard time. However, starting on July 4, 2018, the Wednesday night time slot will change to 8 pm central standard time. So, be sure to make note of that very important change.
The other two nights are Thursdays and Sundays. The Thursday night episodes will of course be the live eviction shows which will start in the 8 pm central time slot. The Sunday night episodes will air in the 7 pm central time slot.
As previously reported, executive producer Allison Grodner recently revealed in a Youtube video interview with Gold Derby that we can expect to see an entirely new cast for season 20. That means no returning players at all. She shot down rumors of it being an all-star season too. Here’s what she had to say: “It’s going to be a big season. We have a lot planned for this season. I think there are certain expectations from our fans that it’ll be an All-Stars season and all of that , and I think we’ve pretty much put that to rest. This will be a brand new cast.
We are in casting right now. We are really excited about completely revamping this house. Wait till you see it. It’s a whole new thing. It’s spectacular. We are really excited about some new an innovative twists that will help commemorate this twentieth season.” You guys can view Allison’s Big Brother season 20 interview over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
So, how do you guys feel about the new season 20? Are you excited? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
It sounds like it’ll be another very log season given that they’re starting in late June again. And let’s not forget that the houseguests actually enter the house a week before the televised premiere date. So, they will actually be entering the house on Wednesday night,June 20, 2018. That will be just over three months for the houseguests that make it to jury and to the final two.
Currently, there’s no details on any plots or twists they have in store. We’re hoping the producers will try to keep the twists to a minimum this season. Actually, we’ve been hoping that for every season to no avail.
Oh well, we’ll definitely keep checking for new details in the upcoming days and weeks. So, be sure to stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.