‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Zoe Will Confront Steffy About Hope’s Stolen Baby This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. We’ve got some very interesting news for you guys today on the Zoe front. CBS released a brand new preview clip for the upcoming February 18 to 22, 2019 episodes, and it was quite revealing. We learned a lot of new information from it.
It turns out that we are actually going to see Zoe go confront Steffy about Hope’s baby! Now, keep in mind the clip didn’t show whether or not Zoe actually tells Steffy that Hope’s baby is stolen. What it did show is that Zoe will definitely be trying to talk to Steffy about Hope’s baby. Given what Zoe now knows, we imagine that this conversation could possibly end with Zoe letting it slip out that baby Phoebe is Hope’s baby.
In the clip, Zoe is seen shouting at Reese some more saying, “Telling Hope that her child had died so you could sell that child to Steffy! How could you?!” Reese is seen telling Zoe, “If you go to Hope and tell her what I’ve done, Flo and I are going to go to jail.” Zoe says, “I don’t know if I can stay quiet about this.” Reese shouts, “Zoe, wait!” Zoe storms off in a fit of rage.
Next, the clip cuts to a scene where Zoe is seen saying to Xander, “I need to see Steffy.” After that, we see Flo asking Reese, “Would she tell?” Next, the clip cuts to a scene with Steffy saying to Zoe, “You’re here for a reason.” Zoe then says, “To talk to you about Hope’s baby.” Steffy immediately says, “What about her?!” Steffy also looks very irritated in this scene too. You guys can view that new Bold And The Beautiful preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
This was as we suspected with Reese. He’s going to tell Zoe that ratting them out will land He and Florence in prison. Then Zoe says she needs to think about it. Just her saying that she needs to think about it is troubling for those of you who want her to immediately go run and tell Hope. We don’t think it’s going to work out like that. At least, not in the immediate future.
Also, judging from the future teasers we’ve read, it’s quite possible that this Zoe and Steffy confrontation will not end with Zoe revealing that Hope’s baby was stolen.. We read all the teasers for next week and it doesn’t mention either Steffy or Hope knowing about the stolen baby. In fact, they’re making it sound like Hope is going to start pushing Liam away!
One of the official CBS teasers says, “Brooke worries about Hope’s agenda in pushing Liam to spend time with Steffy and the girls.” An alternate description reads like this, “Brooke becomes worried when Hope urges Liam to spend more time with Kelly, Phoebe and Steffy.”
Then at the very end of this coming week, Liam and Steffy will still be worried about Hope getting obsessed with Phoebe! CBS’ description tells us, “Liam and Steffy express their concern about Hope’s growing obsession with Phoebe.” An alternate description reads like this, “Steffy and Liam share their mutual concern that Hope has become obsessed with Phoebe.”
These next two teasers reveals in not so many words that Liam and Hope’s marriage is about to be in major jeopardy! The teasers read like this, “Hope makes a decision involving her marriage. Liam works to save his marriage to Hope.” The key word being “save.” Nobody needs to save anything unless that particular thing is on the verge of being destroyed. So, I think we can definitely assume that Hope’s spiral will certainly get much worse to the point that she and Liam’s marriage is in trouble.
As for the stolen baby, what we can deduct from this is that if Zoe does tell Steffy about Hope’s stolen baby, Steffy definitely doesn’t tell Hope. And that’s very, very bad. The other scenario is that Zoe decides not to tell Steffy. Whichever way this works out, we definitely know that Hope will still not know her baby is stolen by end of this week.
If it turns out that Steffy does know and doesn’t tell Hope, that will certainly throw a very interesting twist into this plotline. But either way, it appears that the producers are still looking to stretch this storyline out even further in time.
Unless,there’s a big shocker that we don’t know about, which is quite possible. I don’t think we’ll see Hope finding out about her stolen baby this week. So unfortunately, it appears that the wait will continue.
With all of that said, we are definitely looking forward to seeing how this new Zoe and Steffy confrontation ends up playing out. It will be a very pivotal moment in this storyline if Zoe does in fact spill the secret to Steffy.
Alright guys. How do you feel about the way this week is appearing to work out? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
That’s all we’ve got for this latest Bold And The Beautiful report, but definitely stay tuned for more. The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.
Hope and liam need to know her baby is alive and get her back
they need to let them know her baby is phoebe. take it away from steffy. let hope be the mom
I have watched bold and beautiful many years now but this u think is it. I can’t take it anymore this has gone on 2 long. Ill tune back in next month 2 c if hope has her baby r if she wont find out till she’s griwn up. Enough is enough