‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Hope Will Try To End Her Marriage To Liam This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. We’ve got a new, startling “Bold And The Beautiful” report for you guys. It turns out that the producers are about to hit us with another bomb this week when it comes to Hope. CBS released a new preview clip for the upcoming February 25 to March 1, 2019 episodes. It definitely gives us a much more clearer picture of what’s about to go down with Hope.
In a previous article, we gave you guys some teasers from the written spoilers that CBS had put out, but they were quite vague. This new preview video isn’t vague at all. It shows us that Hope is going to totally freak out and take off her wedding ring! Then she will try to give it back to Liam while she’s in this big argument with Steffy and Liam! It’s crazy, guys. We’re going to go over it in more detail right now.
Hope’s segment of the clip starts out with Hope shouting at Liam about the babies again saying, “They’re innocent babies, and I don’t wanna be the reason they grow up without a dad! You need to be together and make a family!” Then she all of a sudden just takes her wedding ring off and tries to give it to Liam! Steffy is standing right beside Liam in this scene as Hope flips out. Steffy looks genuinely worried about Hope, but I can definitely see this situation taking a very hard turn for the worst.
Hope is clearly very distraught, and will currently not listen to reason. Maybe if Zoe finds out about this, it will drive her to confess what her scandalous father did. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that though. The CBS written spoilers for this crazy, new Hope scene reads like this, “Wracked with guilt, Hope makes a grand gesture that sends Liam and Steffy reeling.” The alternate description reads like this, “Hope’s grand gesture stuns Liam and Steffy.”
So, as you can see. The written stuff was much more vague than the preview clip. The preview clip really helped us out and gave a very clear picture of what Hope is about to pull. We thought it would be bad after reading that description, but the preview clip definitely gave us crystal clear confirmation.
The new preview clip also provided teaser scenes for Sally, Wyatt and Bill’s new situation with Spectra Fashions. This scene makes it look like things aren’t going to go as smoothly as Wyatt and Sally thought when it comes to Bill reviving Spectra fashions. Their segment starts off with Sally telling Eric, “It’s time to take my career to the next level.”
Then it cuts to a scene that features Sally asking Bill, “Are you prepared to start up Spectra Fashions?” Bill is seen replying with, “No.” And that was the end of their little preview. We know that Sally is still going to start Spectra Fashions back up. So, the producers clearly cut the clip up to where important things are left out. We’re assuming that Bill will want a cut of the profits Sally takes in from this endeavor.
As we mentioned in a previous article, CBS revealed in their new spoiler teaser release that Bill’s deal with Sally will certainly come with some caveats that is described as a curve ball for Sally and Wyatt. If I were Sally, I personally would never trust anything that involves crooked Dollar Bill Spencer. Some people just never learn their lesson I guess. Sally had a good thing going at Forrester Creations. Now, she’s going to screw it up to go get burned by Bill again. I just hope this time, it doesn’t break her.
One might might say, “Oh, it’s different this time now that Wyatt has Sally’s back.” But we all know Wyatt can’t do anything once Bill wants to turn on somebody. Heck, at that point, even Wyatt will find himself on the outs. This is just a disaster waiting to happen.
Anyways, you guys can view the new preview clip for the upcoming Bold And The Beautiful February 25 to March 1, 2019 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
As for the Hope’s stolen baby plot, CBS did release something that was pretty interesting. It turns out that Hope is supposed to have a very important moment with Reese’s baby stealing accomplice Florence at some point in the future! However,Zoe will interrupt it. CBS’ description tells us, “Zoe interrupts a crucial moment between Hope and Florence.” Make of that what you want. All we can say about it, right now, is that it sounds like it could be a set up for an interesting twist. We’ll have to wait and see.
Alright guys. So, how do you feel about Hope trying to ,all of a sudden, give her wedding ring back to Liam? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other at this point? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
That’s all we’ve got for this latest Bold And The Beautiful report, but definitely stay tuned for more. The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.
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