New Big Brother Season 21 Cast Aka Houseguests Revealed Today By CBS

New Big Brother Season 21 Cast Aka Houseguests Revealed Today By CBS

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Today’s the big day! CBS finally revealed who has been casts for the latest Big Brother season 21! It turns out that the entire cast will indeed be new people and no returning houseguests. So , we can throw out all of those all-star season rumors that were flying around.

We’ve 16 new houseguests to go over in this article. So, we’re just going to jump right into this. We’ve included the group photo (above) of all the 16 new houseguests for your reference. We’re going to start from the top row and just work our way down until we’re done.

So, starting on the top row from left to right, we have: David Alexander. He’s a 29 year old photographer from Atlanta, Georgia. He still currently resides there. He describes himself as being: Positive, charismatic, and high energy.

He thinks that a complete shift in his routine and having to be around people with no escape will be the most difficult part of living in the Big Brother house.

His strategy for the game is to watch at least two seasons of the show to get a feel for it. Then further look into strategies that have worked and the type of individuals that typically win. He says, his gift of gab and memory could be an advantage.

Next, is: Christie Murphy. She’s a 28 year old Boutique owner from Staten Island, New York. She currently resides in Keyport, New Jersey. She describes herself as being: outgoing, an overachiever, and edgy.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother House will be not being able to talk to whoever is running her store and not being able to speak to her friends and family. She will also miss no music.

She mentioned that her past favorite houseguests were Jeff and Jordan. Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “I plan on using my sexuality as a major social advantage. I’m going into the house as the openly feminine lesbian. I will use my femininity and charm to easily persuade and subtly manipulate the men, while also being the emotional shoulder and best friend to all the girls.

I also won’t pose as a threat to the women, because I won’t be after any of the men. At the same time, I won’t be a physical or athletic threat to the boys. Little do the guys know though, I am super competitive, and an extreme overachiever and I plan on winning a lot of the competitions! I have a photographic memory, and I’m also killer at puzzles!”

Next is: Jackson Michie. He’s a 24 year old food server from Nashville, Tennessee. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He describes himself as being: driven, assertive, and confident.

He thinks the most difficult thing about living in the Big Brother house will be that he’s under 24/7 video surveillance. However, he thinks he will eventually get comfortable with it. He also says, “Not being able to grocery shop and get my daily watermelons or protein bars would be tough, but manageable.”

His favorite Big Brother Houseguests are Paul Abrahamian from seasons 18 and 19 and Brett Robinson from season 20.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Be physical, which I’m very good at, but not too physical. I will win competitions, but I’ve got to pick them wisely as to not become too large of a threat. Furthermore, be willing to do anything and everything I have to in order to win the Houseguests over on a social level.

I was pre-law and have been involved in real estate/sales my entire life. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it is connecting with people, reading them, and selling them on whatever it is I’m trying to get them to buy into.

Whether it’s a property, a judge and jury, a bottle of wine, or medical supplies, I can sell it. Sales is all about being the person your customer wants you to be and selling them without them knowing they’ve even been sold. I can, and will, sell myself to the houseguest and get them to buy into me.”

Next, is: Tommy Bracco. He’s a 28 year old Broadway dancer from Staten Island, New York. He still currently resides there. He describes himself as being: Optimistic, driven, and over-the-top.

He thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be missing summer on the Jersey Shore with his family. His favorite Big Brother player was Da’Vonne Rogers aka Momma Day from seasons 17 and 18.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Inspired by my mother. She cooks and cleans for the entire family and she’s everyone’s favorite person. I want to be the Italian mother of the house. I want to take care of everyone and make them feel safe and loved. No one wants to vote out that person.”

Second row from left to right: Analyse Talavera. She’s a 22 year old college soccer star from Northridge, California. She currently resides in Simi Valley, California. She describes herself as being: Funny, outgoing, and confident.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be to not be able to see her dog named Fergie, not knowing what’s going on in the outside world and living with the same people for so long.

Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To play both sides of the house, but keep it super low-key. From watching previous seasons, the people who seem to always play both sides of the house tend to go really far. I will not tell anyone I was doing this, even my best friend in the house, because it would blow up in my face. I will try really hard on comps that I know I need to win and not so hard on ones that will either ruin my game or show I’m playing both sides.”

Next is: Kemi Faknule. She’s a 25 year old marketing specialist from Elkridge, Maryland. She currently resides in Brooklyn, New York. She describes herself as being: positive,goal-oriented and a b@#tch. She said she’s extremely vicious. So, a possible Baleigh 2.0? We’ll see.

Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is: Rachel Reilly from seasons 12 and 13 and Jessica Graf from season 19.

Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To make as many connections but fewer alliances as possible, similar to Kaycee from BB20. I’d hope to be well-liked so I could use that to my advantage and always be in the know in case I need to do some back-stabbing.

But if I’m not well-liked, then I guess I just have to bust everyone’s a@# in HOH and Veto competitions. I’d love to have a final two with someone to tag team competitions with (another reason I loved Rachel). One of us wins either the HOH or Veto every week to carry us to the end. Preferably in the form of a showmance.”

Next is: Holly Allen. She’s a 31 year old Win Safari Guide from Lander, Wyoming. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California. She describes herself as being: Spontaneous, sarcastic, and relentless.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be to not have her phone. When asked what her Big Brother winning strategy will be, she said, “Oh, I have plenty of strategies already stacked up. Plan A-Z.” Wow! Ok.

Next, is: Jessica Milagros. She’s a 30ish model from Chicago,IL. She currently resides in Oak Park, Illinois. She describes herself as being: affectionate, charismatic, and creative.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be leaving her family and friends and a potential of feeling very alone.

Her favorite Big Brother houseguest was Dan Gheesling from seasons 10 and 14.

Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Just believe in being myself and genuinely getting to know the housemates. I’m someone who observes actions and can be fun but laid back. I know from experience that if you ask someone about themselves and show true interest they tend to confide in you.”

Third row from left to right: Nick Maccarone. He’s a 27 year old therapist from Sewell, New Jersey. He still currently resides there. He describes himself as being: outgoing, caring, and talkative.

He thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be breaking the seal of being the first one to poop. He will also miss his mother a lot.

His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Tyler Crispen from season 20.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To pretend that you do not want HOH and then nominate who everyone tells you to. Also, when people are scared, they will try to make deals and alliances, so I can just sit back and form the best alliance possible.”

Next, is: Sam Smith. He’s a 31 year old truck driver from West Nanticoke, Pennsylvania. He currently resides in Mountain Top, Pennsylvania. He describes himself as being: outgoing, bold, and comical.

He thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be missing his family. His favorite Big Brother houseguest was Derrick Levasseur from season 16.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Be true and be a little bit of a rat for my alliance.”

Next, is: Jack Matthews. He is a 28 year old fitness trainer from Chicago,IL. He currently resides in Tampa, Florida. He describes himself as being: honest, integrity, and character.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Be honest, have integrity, and good character.”

Next, is: Cliff Hogg III. He is a 53 year old petroleum engineer from Houston,TX. He still currently resides there. He describes himself as being: funny, stubborn, and caring.

He thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be the lack of communication with the outside world, lack of privacy. However, he thinks he’ll quickly get used to the lack of privacy.

His favorite Big Brother player was Derrick Levasseur from season 16.

His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Present myself as the loyal soldier to one or more strong players while creating enough chaos or paranoia to have people pointing fingers and targeting each other. People will assume that I am a loyal kind of guy because that is how I live my life in the real world. I will use that to my advantage and betray as necessary in the end game to get me to the finale!”

Bottom row from left to right: Kathryn Dunn. She is a 29 year old digital marketing executive from Irving, Texas. She currently resides in Dallas, TX. She describes herself as being: reliable, hardworking, and fun!

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be living without her phone. She said she starts salivating and experiencing withdrawal symptoms without it.

Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To stay under the radar for as long as I can, and only arise when it counts. I’ll be friendly and pleasant to everybody so nobody will have a reason not to like me, and I’ll work/strategize behind the scenes so they don’t even see me as a threat. Stay woke, my friends.”

Next, is: Ovi Kabir. He’s a 22 year old college student from Oakridge, Tennessee. He currently resides in Knoxville, Tennessee. He describes himself as being: relatable, motivated, and brown.

He thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be being away from his dog. His favorite BigBrother houseguest is winner Hayden Moss from season 12. For some reason, CBS didn’t get a Big Brother winning strategy out of him.

Next, is: Isabella Wang. She is a 22 year old public health analyst from Mount Olive, New Jersey. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California. She describes herself as being: Spontaneous, reckless, and generous.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house is: “Nothing. I low-key feel like I was born for this.” Wow! ok.

When asked who her favorite Big Brother houseguest is, she said, “I liked when Isabella Wang won Season 21.” Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Bribery.” Folks, I think we may have a season 4 Jun Song 2.0. on our hands with this one.

Last, is: Nicole Anthony. She is a 21 year old preschool aide from Long Island, New York. She still currently resides there. She describes herself as being: Hardworking, determined and hilarious.

She thinks the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house will be,”Making sure that I think before I speak and that I bite my tongue when I really want to tell someone off.”

He favorite Big Brother houseguest was Paul Abrahamian from seasons 18 and 19.

Her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To play it as authentically and objectively as I can. In other words, I want to stay true to myself and connect with people on real, personal levels while also remembering to play the game non-emotionally for what it is: a game. Yes, the other people are my game pieces, but they are still people.”

Alright guys. That’s all 16 of them. These are your 16 houseguests for Big Brother season 21! How do you feel about them? Which ones do you like? Which ones do you not like? Let us know in the comments section.

Season 21 is scheduled to premiere on Tuesday night, September 25, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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