New ‘American Horror Story’ Season 9 Premiere Date Officially Revealed By FX

Hey, “American Horror Story” fans. In this latest report, we’ve finally got a premiere date for you guys. That’s right, guys. It’s finally time for you to find out when your favorite show will be back in action with all new episodes. Thanks to the lovely folks over at TV and FX, we are able to do just that.
So, with no further ado, you guys can officially expect to see the brand new “American Horror Story” season 9 start up on Wednesday night, September 18, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time on FX of course. So, definitely be sure to mark down that very important date on your TV show calendars.
According to TV Line, the upcoming 9th season of American Horror Story is titled, “American Horror Story: 1984.”
They explained that the producers are looking to preface this 9th season with themes from 1980’s horror/thriller flicks like: “A Nightmare On Elm Street” and “Friday The 13th.”
As usual,the producers are keeping the deeper, main plotlines under wraps. I don’t think they’ll even be releasing episode press releases again. We’ll have to wait and see.
For now, here’s what we do know. It’s pretty much the same stuff we reported in our last American Horror Story season 9 article. Emma Roberts signed on super early to participate in season 9, and Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy will play the boyfriend to whoever Emma’s character turns out to be.
Yep, we still don’t know who the hell Emma will be playing in season 9. However, we’re sure she will do an excellent job with whoever she plays. We love Emma over here. She’s fantastic!
Also, in a very sad turn of events, actor Evan Peters decided that he finally needed to take a break from the series after appearing in every season up until now. So, he will not be participating in season 9. We’re sure he’ll be back for some other future season though.
And I say this all the time. We hope they do bring back actress Taissa Farmiga for season 9. There’s just something about her. It’s a must that I see her in as many American Horror Story seasons as possible.
Ever since she played the witch Zoe Benson in season 3, I just couldn’t get enough of her. She did such a great job in that season.
Anyways, moving on. It’s currently not yet known exactly how many episodes season 9 will feature. We will have to wait a little bit longer for FX to make that very important announcement.
Season 8 only featured 10 episodes. During that season, the show averaged 2.033 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.96 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. That’s pretty ok for a cable show. It could be a lot better though. That’s for sure.
Judging by those numbers, I wouldn’t be surprised if FX just ordered another, short 10 episode season. The thing with American Horror Story is each season can perform drastically different as it changes its entire theme and characters.
I bet FX is always scratching their heads when it comes time to determining the performance of this show since each season is so different and unpredictable.
American Horror Story producer Ryan Murphy did recently release the very first teaser trailer for season 9. It features a very frightened girl running through a forest type setting at pitch dark night. And, of course, a scary guy with a knife is chasing after her.
The clip caps off with the girl trying to hide out in a cabin or something, but we all know you can’t hide from a vicious man with a knife in these types of shows. Surely enough, the guy stabs his knife through the door, causing the girl to scream at the top of her lungs for her freaking life!
You guys can check out the new “American Horror Story” season 9 teaser trailer on Ryan Murphy’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
How do you guys feel about the Wednesday September 18, 2019 start date for season 9? Are you excited about it or what? Lets us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “American Horror Story” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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