Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Eviction Nominations Revealed For June 27, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Yes indeedy, season 21 has officially kicked off. We already saw poor David go home after just being in the house for maybe a day or so. Now, in this report, we have learned who the first eviction nominees are for this week.
As most of you are now aware, Christie won the first HOH competition via an endurance challenge. CBS aired the footage of it in last night’s June 26, 2019 episode 2.
According to the spoilers acquired through the Big Brother LIVE feeds that went live last night, Christie has nominated the older guy Cliff Hogg and the stunning blonde girl Kathryn for eviction.
We had previously learned through a live feed leak last week that Kathryn is indeed Christie’s target. Christie was overheard saying that Kathryn acts too paranoid and is annoying other houseguests.
So, it looks like Cliff will be playing the pawn game for now, and it maybe what he does for his entire stay until his luck runs out. We’ll have to wait and see.
According to Big Brother Network ,Kathryn is actually feeling quite confident about her chances of sticking around. She thinks Jackson will save her if he happens to win the Power Of Veto competition.
Also, it was revealed later on in the night that Christie and some of the others were seen promising Kathryn she would be safe this eviction, and that it’s just apart of a bigger plan.
They were actually talking about possibly back dooring Kemi at one point. So, we’ll see how that pans out by Wednesday night.
At around 9:10 pacific standard time June 26, 2019, Kathryn was seen telling Jessica, “I’m feeling good, and I will choose Jackson to play the veto. However, I can’t rely on him or anyone else to win it. I need to try and win it so I can take myself off the block.
Kathryn told Holly, “Jackson is paranoid that people are seeing him and me as a pair. He’s trying to distance himself from me.”
At around 10:14 pm,Kathryn asked Jackson, “Are you conspiring against me?” Jackson said, “No, I’m not doing that.” From there, Kathryn brought up that she heard he was talking to Isabella about forming an alliance. Jackson told Kathryn, “We were just talking about living in the house, and it wasn’t about the game.”
Kathryn also said that Isabella has been giving her dirty looks. Jackson didn’t think so. So, now we are starting to see the paranoia going on with Kathryn.
Jackson went on to tell Kathryn, “You will be fine as long as Kemi doesn’t win veto. Kemi is going out the backdoor.” If I win veto, I’m taking either Kathryn or Cliff down, and Kemi will go up and out.”
At around 10:25 pm, Nick was seen saying, “Kemi won’t even be here next week.” So, it does appear that Kemi is indeed a backdoor target.
Holly was seen telling Jackson that she thinks Jack would definitely defend Christie over him. Apparently, Jack and Christie have something going on. Holly said, “Jack makes me very nervous.” Jackson thanked Holly for the intel.
Nick was, again, seen telling Jack and Sam, “Kemi is dangerous for my game.” Jack was also seen promising Kathryn she’s safe this week, and that she just needs to trust the plan.
At around 1:25 am today June 27, 2019, Christie was seen telling Kathryn, “I’ll let you win the Veto if we’re close in the comp so I won’t have to do the backdoor plan in an obvious way.
Analyse was seen telling Holly,”Jack makes me nervous. Once we get to final eight, I’m targeting him first.”
Tommy and Christie were seen making final two plans since they already know each other outside the house.
Finally, Christie was seen telling Holly,”I’m going to tell Kemi she was playing too hard too soon when I renom her.”
Judging by all of that, it does appear that Kemi could be the first one to actually get evicted by a vote this Wednesday night, July 3, 2019. I say it like that because David didn’t actually get voted out. He just lost a competition which totally sucks by the way.
Anyways, you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
How do you guys feel about Cliff and Kathryn getting nominated first and possibly being pawns to backdoor Kemi? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or is it just too soon to even care? Let us know in the comments section.
We’re expecting the Power Of Veto comp to be played any day now. Be sure to look out for our report on that.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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