MasterChef June 27, 2019 Eliminated Evan Tesiny (Episode 7 Recap)

MasterChef June 27, 2019 Eliminated Evan Tesiny (Episode 7 Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, June 27, 2019, the 7th episode of this current season 10 did indeed air with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sanchez, and Joe Bastianich. Tonight’s show continued from where last night’s June 26, 2019 episode left off.

Wuta, Nick and Shari were safe from elimination since they made the best dishes in last night’s episode.

Everyone else was in jeopardy and had to take on another cooking challenge. Tonight, the contestants had to make dessert. Yep, that’s right, guys. It was their first dessert challenge of this season. The dessert was revealed to be Caramelized pear tarte tatin.

Gordon demonstrated how to make it. His instructions were so detailed that I could see the contestants making a million mistakes with this one. Gordon, of course, was so smooth and made it flawlessly.

After Gordon complete his demonstration, he told the contestants they had 60 minutes to do the exact same thing. So, off they went to get their ingredients. At one point, Subha told Joe he was trying to make a pear and apple tarte tatin. Joe said, “That’s risky because you have two separate cook times.”

Keturah started panicking because she chose to make the pineapple one which is the most difficult one according to Gordon. Gordon told her, “This could send you home tonight.” Poor Keturah was in tears at that point, but she was cooking. She didn’t stop. Gordon told her,”Don’t crumble under pressure.”

At one point, Michael told Gordon he was making a pear and apple tarte tatin. Evan was seen telling Joe and Aaron he was making an apple tarte tatin, but he didn’t seem too thrilled about it and neither were Aaron and Joe.

There was one point where Gordon said he was worried about what Sam was doing. Micah burned his caramel after walking away from it to get something else. At that point, Micah said, “I’m done” in a bad way. He said, “It was a complete disaster.” However, he decided to start over again.

Then it was revealed that Sarah overcooked her caramel too! She started doing everything she could to try and save it.

Later on, it was also revealed that Micah made a good comeback with the caramel at about 20 minutes to go.

Fred ran into problems with his tarte tatin not cooking fast enough. His dough was under cooked, and he was worried about burning his apples inside of it. Evan discovered that his tarte tatin may be a bit dry from pouring out some extra caramel.

After their precious 60 minutes was finally up,Gordon, Aaron and Joe tasted all the dishes. Then they decided to immediately save: Michael, Bri, Dorian, Liz, Renee, Noah, Jamie and Micah.

That left Keturah, Sam, Sarah, Subha, Evan and Fred as the bottom six. So, the judges tasted each of their dishes again, starting with Keturah. She made a spiced pineapple tarte tatin. Aaron said, “I love this.” Joe said, “It’s far from traditional, but it’s well executed.” Gordon said, “It was good to see the real you.”

Sam was up next with a pineapple tarte tatin as well. Gordon said, “The crust was delicious, but it was swimming in water.” Aaron said, “It’s disappointing, but it was well seasoned and flavored.” Joe said, “One redeeming factor was adding coconut juice” or something.

Next, Sarah presented a peach and ginger tarte tatin. She said she was not proud of it at all because she overcooked the caramel. Aaron said, “The peaches are cooked perfectly.” Gordon said, “It had a little after taste.”

After that, Subha presented a pear and apple tarte tatin with another Indian spin on it. Joe said, ” It has nice color to it.” Aaron said, “You have a clear vision of what you want to do. You just need to back it up with technique.” Gordon said, “It works, but you’re like the Willy Wonka of cooking.”

Evan presented his apple,lemon and ginger tarte tatin. Gordon said, “The crust is way better than the apples.” Joe said, “This is an apple tart. Not a tarte tatin.” Aaron said, “This has gone the wrong way.”

Finally, Fred brought his ginger and cinnamon infused apple tarte tatin. Joe said, “That’s not what we wanted.” Aaron said, “You were the only one here who’s ever made a tarte tatin before, but that’s not what I’m getting here.” Gordon said, “The flavor was right, but it looked bad. I expected more from you.”

After all of that, the judges decided to save: Sarah, Keturah, Subha, Fred and Sam. So, that meant poor Evan Tesiny had to make his exit.

How do you guys feel about Evan Tesiny getting eliminated in episode 7? Are you happy? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new episode 8 is currently scheduled to air on Wednesday night, July 10, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on FOX. You guys can view highlights of tonight’s episode 7 on the official Youtube channel for MasterChef by Clicking Here.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest MasterChef report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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13 Responses

  1. Art Rossi says:

    Couldn’t have happened to him soon enough. He was a cocky ass who though he was better then every else. Good ridden.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Was so glad to see him gone and should have been sooner.. he was a legend in his own mond

  3. Anonymous says:

    He was a complete jerk, so glad he is gone. The next one to get the boot I hope will be Noah. He too was an ass in the first team challenge, I was hoping he would have been eliminated that night.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I was glad to see him go. There was nothing that the judges could teach him – he knew it all! They were right to show him the door.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Evan was a jerk and so glad he’s gone

  6. Anonymous says:

    What a tool! Glad he’s gone!

  7. Bobby Brooks says:

    Rude, arrogant and, evidently, not a very good home cook. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  8. Tammy J McCoy says:

    Thank God he’s gone. Such an arrogant jerk! Annoying as heck!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’M SO GLAD EVAN IS GONE! I couldn’t stand his superior attitude. If you’re gonna be in the MasterChef kitchen, you have to listen to the judges, not do your own thing which costs your MasterChef experience to end. I don’t feel bad for clapping when they said he was getting sent home. He was honestly stressing me out. Good decision chefs.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Evan is too arrogant. He keeps to say that he travelled a lot, but so what? You eat a lot or see a lot but it does not mean that you know how to cook. If he is so that good in cooking, he does not need to compete in MasterChef. He can open his own restaurant.

  11. Amanda A says:

    Excellent choice. Couldn’t have happened to a better narcissist! If he’s married I truly feel sorry for his spouse.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’m conflicted between feeling so happy that he’s gone but sad we didn’t get to see him get roasted by the chefs more and more so that he’s not so cocky anymore and realize that his food isn’t even good.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Evan was full of himself with arrogance from day 1, and I could not wait to see him gone. To speak to Gordon, Aaron, and Joe the way he did, not taking any cues from them, fighting back with what he thought was the right way to do things, I wanted to kick his teeth out. I pity anyone who has to deal with him on a daily basis. He is a pompous jerk.

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