The Gilded Age Season 2, December 17, 2023 Episode 8 Is The Finale. Season 3 Not Yet Confirmed

The Gilded Age Season 2, December 17, 2023 Episode 8 Is The Finale. Season 3 Not Yet Confirmed

Hey, “The Gilded Age” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed tonight’s episode 8, especially since it was indeed the very last episode of The Gilded Age’s current season 2. That means episode 8 might be the last episode of The Gilded Age that you’ll ever see forever. The reason why we say ,forever, is because we don’t yet have an official announcement from HBO that confirms if they’re going to renew the show for a brand new season 3 or not.

Yep, it’s been confirmed that HBO has yet to reveal if they’re going to renew the show for a new season. So, it’s just going to be a waiting game for now. However, here’s what we can do. We can take a look at the LIVE viewership and ratings numbers that The Gilded Age’s current second season delivered for HBO and kind of get an educated guess on what they will most likely do. So, let’s do that. Here we go.

According to the LIVE Nielsen ratings, The Gilded Age season 2 averaged 498,000 LIVE viewers per episode, and a 0.04 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The most recent episode 7, which aired last Sunday night, December 10,2023, managed to draw in 584,000 LIVE viewers, and a 0.05 ratings score.

The most-viewed episode was episode 6 with 593,000 LIVE viewers. The least-viewed episode was episode 2 with 355,000 LIVE viewers.

The highest-rated episodes were episodes 1, 3, 5 and 7. They all tied for first place with a 0.05 ratings score. The lowest-rated episode was episode 2 with a 0.03 ratings score. We’re not sure what the numbers are for the streaming platforms, but the LIVE numbers seem pretty ok for a cable network. The streaming numbers usually at least double the LIVE numbers. The show experienced a 22.48 percent decrease in LIVE viewers when compared to season 1, and an 11.43 percent decrease in ratings scores.

So, judging from those numbers, we wouldn’t be surprised if HBO does go ahead and renew the show for a new season 3. I’m sure it will come down to how much HBO has to actually pay for the show,and how much money they actually make from it. But again, based on the numbers, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a renewal at some point in the future. As always, cross your fingers, hope and pray for a new season.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “The Gilded Age” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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