Big Brother 21 July 3, 2019 Evicted Ovi Kabir. New HOH And First Ever Twist Revealed

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 3, 2019, the first LIVE eviction of this current season 21 did indeed go down, but with a major twist. Buckle up guys because we’ve got a whole lot to tell you.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Julie Chen raving about this new game-changing twist that was about to get set in play tonight after the LIVE eviction went down. But first, they had to show footage of what went down in the house this week to get everyone caught up to speed.
They showed how reigning HOH Christie broke down and changed her mind about backdooring Kemi. Then that ultimately led to Christie backdooring Ovi instead. Christie was so sloppy with her HOH this week that it’s not even remotely funny.
Anyways, shortly after that footage. Julie Chen came back on again to mention a few more things about this crazy new twist. She said, “For the first time ever, the evicted houseguest is not heading home. They will continue living in the Big Brother house.” At this point, I was like, “What? Get out?”
Next, they showed aftermath footage of the events that took place after Christie threw Ovi up on the chopping block with Kathryn at the Power Of Veto ceremony. Ovi told the private cams that he definitely felt blindsided by Christie.
Christie told Kathryn she’s going to tell Ovi he’s a pawn. Basically, Christie told both nominees they’re a pawn because she didn’t want either of them to be mad at her going into next week. Again, Christie is sloppy as hell.
At one point, we saw footage of Ovi breaking down crying to Christie and Jack. Poor Ovi. Jack and Christie gave Ovi their fake hugs.
Jack told the private cams of Ovi, “I’m a little upset that Christie didn’t put up Kime like we originally planned. However, Ovi was on our hit list too. So, he can go home this week.” That’s Jack.
They showed footage of how Kathryn started annoying everyone by going around saying, “You b@#tches conspiring against me?” She kept doing it a lot too. I lost count of how many times she did this. The “gr8ful,” which is the oversized 8 person alliance started complaining heavily about Kathryn, especially Holly. She said she was at her wits end with her.
Next, we saw Julie Chen chime back in to reveal it’s too late for Ovi to use his special nightmare power to overturn the HOH’s nominations. However, it was revealed that Ovi tried to use it as a bargaining chip with Jackson and Jack.
Ovi told Jackson and Jack about his nightmare power, which allows him to overturn the HOH’s initial nominations, and he promised to use it to keep them safe if they rescued him this week. It really got Jack and Jackson thinking.
The last we saw of this scenario on the live feeds featured Jack and Jackson coming to the conclusion that they still needed to evict Ovi because it would seem too obvious if they, all of a sudden, campaigned to save him after trying to get him out all this time.
From there, the two nominees Kathryn and Ovi gave their final speeches. Then the other houseguests casts their votes to evict.
Analyse, Nick, Tommy, Jessica, Holly, Jack, Jackson, Nicole, Isabella, Cliff, Sam and Kemi all voted to evict Ovi. No one voted to evict Kathryn. So, with a unanimous vote of 12-0, poor Ovi was indeed voted out of the Big Brother house this week.
But wait! This is when Julie came back on to say Ovi isn’t going anywhere. A new twist is in play called, “Camp Comeback.” That’s right, guys. For the first time ever, the first four houseguests to get voted out this season will be out of the game, but not out of the house! Say what?
Yep, it’s true. Instead,the first 4 evicted houseguests will go to a special room called “Camp Comeback.”It’s not a very nice room, but it’s a room nonetheless. During this time, the evicted houseguests will continue living in the house with the non-evicted houseguests.
However, they will not compete in any of the contests. They will not participate in any of the votes. The only thing they will get to do is play their social game. Then at some point, these four evicted houseguests will compete to get back into the game. It is indeed the first time in Big Brother history that they’ve done something like this.
Usually when they give players a chance to come back, the players get sequestered far away from the house. With this twist, they actually stay in the house. I can honestly say I’m a bit intrigued with this particular twist.
Obviously, Ovi stayed in the house, but what about David? You guys remember David, right? He got eliminated from the game when he lost that contest after getting banished by Jackson. Well, he came back too to join Ovi in “Camp Comeback!” It was an exciting time. Everyone gave David a hug and all that jazz.
After that, the non-evicted houseguests competed in the new Head Of Household competition. It turned out to be a mental comp. The houseguests had to memorize stuff for a memory quiz.
It came down to Jack and Jessica, and Jack got the final answer number 7 correct to pull out the victory! So,Jack is the new HOH for this week.
Julie Chen also revealed that there will be another Whacktivity comp this week, which will give the winner a special power. So, there’s a lot of stuff going with this new season 21. There’s no doubt about that.
We’ve already seen on the LIVE feeds that Jack has made a suggestion to try not to talk game with the evicted houseguests, which is totally ridiculous. Jack tried to say it’s not a demand, just a suggestion. But we know he really wants it to be a demand or else he never would’ve brought up in the first place.
Also, that’s the whole point of this twist is for the evicted houseguests to talk game so they can be ready if they get back in.
Anyways, Jackson was seen immediately trying to apologize to David for banishing him from the game. Jackson fed him some BS saying, “I truly thought you were going to come back” and soon and so forth. Ugh.
Anyways, how do you guys feel about Jack winning tonight’s HOH comp? How do you feel about the new “Camp Comeback” twist? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next, new episode of Big Brother is scheduled to air this Sunday night,July 7, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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