‘America’s Got Talent’ July 9, 2019 Auditions Revealed (Episode 6 Recap)

Hey “America’s Got Talent” fans. Tonight, July 9, 2019, the brand new 6th episode of this current 14th season did indeed air. It featured more first round auditions with the judges: Julianne Hough, Gabrielle Union, Simon Cowell and Howie Mandel.
Tonight’s auditions kicked off with a power tambourinist named Gonzo. His routine consisted of him banging himself all over his body with the tambourine.
Afterwards, Howie told Gonzo,”I’m really impressed with your intensity.” Julianne said, “I can’t stop looking at your white sneakers.” Gabrielle said, “I admire your level of commitment. You played your face off.” Simon said, “That was bonkers.” Gonzo got 4 yeses from the judges. So, he will advance to the next round.
Next up was a female singer named Olivia Calderon. After her performance, Julianne said,”You made the song your own.” Howie said, “Your style isn’t my cup of tea. I wish you a lot of luck though.” Simon said, “I love your dramatic style.”
Olivia got a yes from Julianne, Gabrielle and Simon. Howie gave her a no. Olivia got enough yeses to advance to the next round.
A couple of Italian dancers named Marco and Elisa hit the stage. Their performance consisted of them moving around on stage while kissing. It was weird, and the judges really didn’t like it. Simon immediately buzzed them, and said, “I found it quite uncomfortable.” Needless to say, Marco and Elisa got a no from all the judges.
After that, a couple that goes by the name Duo MaintenanT arrived on stage.They do part dance and part acrobatics in their act.
After their performance, Julianne told them, “You’re the best acrobatic act so far. I am blown away.” Simon said, “It’s perfection. It was a 10.” Gabrielle said, “I want to get my husband Dwayne in on the act.” Howie said, “It’s dangerous and scary, but I was thrilled.” They got 4 yeses from the judges.
Next, a male singer that goes by the name RA’ED hit the stage. He sang an original song called, “Celebration.” During his performance, he immediately got buzzed. Simon said, “I don’t know what that was. If it wasn’t for the singing, I’d like you.” Julianne said, “The whistling is like a dog call.” It was all nos for RA’ED.
After that travesty of an act, an all female, Argentine, Malumbo group hit the stage. Their act consisted of them playing drums, dancing and some other odd stuff.
Afterwards, Gabrielle told them, “You were literally dancing for your lives.” Howie said, “The dance is usually performed by men.” Simon said, “Never doubt your talent.” They got 4 yeses from the judges.
Next, The Sentimentalists Steffie K and Mysterion hit the stage. They are mentalists. Their act seemed pretty solid. They used host Terry Crews in it. They had the crowd write down random things. Then Terry picked one of the things the crowd wrote down. Then Steffie wrote down the exact same thing that Terry picked.
After their performance, Julianne told them, “You’re magical and mysterious.” Gabrielle said, “I was wowed.” Howie said, “Your presentation was weird. It didn’t match what you do.” Simon said, “It was good ,but it needs to be great.”
At that point, they performed another feat just for Simon. Mysterion had Simon write down any celebrity he could think of. Then Steffie correctly guessed what Simon wrote down. That wowed Simon enough to give them a yes.
He said, “I knew if I said something critical, they would do something really good.” Gabrielle gave them a yes. Julianne gave them a yes. Howie gave them a no. So, they got 3 yeses and are moving on to the next round.
Next, some contortionists named Angara were given some very brief screen time. They got 4 yeses from the judges.
A singer named Chris Klafford arrived on stage. After his performance, Howie told Chris, “You wore your heart on your sleeve.” Julianne said, “I felt your heart and passion.” Simon said, “You did something special with the song.” Chris got 4 yeses from the judges.
Next, a hoop aerialist named Matthew Richardson hit the stage. After his performance, Gabrielle told Matthew, “I’m impressed that you went for your dreams.” Howie said, “You’re graceful and athletic.” Simon said, “I liked it, but there needs to be more going forward.” Matthew got 4 yeses from the judges.
A 65 year old, male singer named Robert Finley arrived on stage next. He’s a Vietnam Vet that is having issues with glaucoma. He sang an original song called, “Get It While You Can.”
Afterwards, Howie told Robert, “You’re a great inspiration and a great talent.” Simon said, “Your voice is like the finest old wine. You don’t have that voice when your 17 or 20 years old. This could go through the roof for you.” Robert got 4 yeses from the judges.
Next, a female comedian named Kara hit the stage. Her routine consisted of a few weight jokes. Then she started oddly pulling food out of her bra and so on and so forth. She even started handing out food to Gabrielle, Julianne and Howie at one point. She was a riot.
Afterwards, Howie told Kara, “You’re like a hilarious buffet.” Gabrielle said, “More please. More mama more.” Julianne said, “You’re empowering.” Simon said, “You’re the Dolly Parton of comedy.” Kara received 4 yeses from the judges.
Finally, the last act of this episode was Luke Islam. He’s a 12 year old singer who revealed he has dreams of making it to Broadway. He really blew everyone away with his singing.
Afterwards, Gabrielle told Luke, “You killed it!” Howie said, “You have great poise.” Simon said, “Don’t ever be generic on Broadway.” Then it was revealed that Julianne was the one to hit the Golden buzzer in this episode.
Apparently, Julianne was quite flattered that Luke told her he really admired her and her brother Derek Hough’s dancing. Anyways, that Golden buzzer put Luke straight through to the LIVE shows.
And that was it for all of tonight’s episode 6 performances. Next week, the show will be moving on to the “Judge Cuts” rounds. These series of episodes will feature guest judges: Brad Paisley, Jay Leno, Ellie Kemper and Gabrielle Union’s husband, Dwyane Wade.
You guys can view all of tonight’s episode 6 performances on the official Youtube channel for “America’s Got Talent” by Clicking Here.
The next, new episode for “America’s Got Talent” is scheduled to air next Tuesday night, July 16, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on NBC.
Alright guys. That’s it for this latest “America’s Got Talent” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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