Big Brother July 11, 2019 Evicted Kemi Fakunle And New HOH Revealed (Episode Recap)

Big Brother July 11, 2019 Evicted Kemi Fakunle And New HOH Revealed (Episode Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 11, 2019, another season 21, LIVE eviction episode did indeed air, and another houseguests was sent packing to Camp Comeback. Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony.

Jessica told the private cams, “I hope I don’t have to do much campaigning.” I definitely understand why. Have you seen this girl’s campaigning? It’s freaking terrible.

Anyways, we saw footage of Cliff, Nicole and Ovi deciding to form a new alliance to battle the big Gr8ful alliance. They decided to name it, “Fellowship of the Zing.”

Nick was seen telling the private cams, “I trust Bella, and I want to protect her at all costs.” They also showed a lot of footage of Nick and Bella aka Isabella making out. We were also subjected to footage of Jack and Analyse flirting, making out and having sex under the covers.

They showed Cliff being really stupid. He was talking to himself ,out loud, about all of his plans. Christie, of course, walked by and overheard the entire thing! Then she ran straight back to her Gr8ful alliance and ratted him out. Christie said, “Cliff has got to go.” So, he might be targeted after this eviction.

Nicole and Kemi were seen discussing how Isabella cannot be trusted. Isabella ratted out their “Black Widows” alliance and revealed she has a final three deal with Jackson and Jack. Kemi told Jackson, “Bella started the Black Widows and formed a final three deal with you and Jack.”

It really got Jackson thinking. He told Kemi he was 50/50 on voting for her to stay at that point. Jackson went back and told Jack everything Kemi revealed. That got them both thinking that they are both working with a lot of snakes.

They showed footage of Isabella telling Sam about the Gr8ful alliance ,and she told him he’s not in it. That, of course, caused Sam to freak out. He told the private cams aka the Diary room, “I must keep Kemi.”

From there, Sam started campaigning to Jack to get Jessica out saying, “She’s going after all the guys.” Jack slipped up and said, “I want to do what’s best for Gr8ful.” Then he tried to take it back real quick saying, “Our group of 9,” but it was too late. Sam already heard it, but he pretended he didn’t notice it.

After all of that footage, we finally saw the two eviction nominees Jessica and Kemi giving their final plea speeches. Kemi called out Nick and Bella during her speech saying, “They’re playing both sides of the house.”

Next, the remaining houseguests casts their votes to evict. Jackson voted to evict Jessica. Cliff, Kathryn, Nicole, Bella, Nick, Sam, Analyse, Holly, Christie and Tommy all voted to evict Kemi.

So, with a vote of 10-1, Kemi was evicted from the game to join David and Ovi in Camp Comeback. They will battle to get back into the game next Thursday night, July 18, 2019.

After Kemi was evicted, the remaining houseguests competed for the next HOH (Head Of Household). Jack was the outgoing HOH so he could not compete.

The HOH competition was called “Powershot.” It was basically a crap shoot competition. They had to throw an arrow at a target underhanded. The person who landed on the highest score, won.

They also had two other options. They could aim for a special safety target or a special $5,000 target. No one shot for those though. After it was all done, Nick emerged the winner by scoring a whopping 90 points on his throw.

So, Nick is the brand new HOH for this week. He’s apart of the Gr8ful oversized alliance. So, we’ll see them rule again this week. Host, Julie Chen revealed that this week’s Whacktivity comp will be the last one. Thank God. All these twists are annoying me. The winner of the Whacktivity comp gets a special power. Again, this will be the last one.

Alright guys. How do you feel about Kemi getting evicted, and Nick winning the new HOH for this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The Big Brother LIVE feeds are back. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

The next Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, July 14, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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