Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For September 8, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Happy Sunday. It’s that time again for us to give you more results from the latest big event in the season 21 house. The very important POV (Power Of Veto) competition was played yesterday,September 7, 2019, and a shocking winner did emerge.
Before we tell you guys who won it, we’re going to do a short recap of this week so far to make sure everyone is up to speed. This past Friday, September 6, 2019, Jackson won the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition to take control of the house for a 4th time.
Shortly after that, Jackson nominated Tommy and Cliff for eviction with Tommy being his main target. And that all leads us to yesterday’s POV competition.
Since the house is down to just five houseguests, everyone played in this comp. When it was all said and done, it was the lovely Nicole who emerged as the winner! So, good for her. She’s starting to turn up towards the end of this season.
Could Nicole actually be the dark force that takes down the power duo of Jackson and Holly? I certainly hope so. Anything can happen in that final 4 showdown.
According to Big Brother Network, Tommy spilled the beans to everyone that he knew Christie before they got into the house. I’m not sure why he would do that. Maybe, he just gave up all hope of winning. Who knows?
Here’s another very important thing that Big Brother Network confirmed. Nicole plans to use her veto to save Cliff. That means Jackson is going to be forced to nominate Holly to replace Cliff because there’s no one else left! OMG!
What this also means is that Nicole and Cliff could decide to vote out Holly this Thursday night, September 12, 2019! Wouldn’t that be something?
I told you guys in the last article that the veto is very important at this stage of the game, and it’s definitely proving to be in this particular scenario.
The POV Ceremony is scheduled to take place tomorrow, September 9, 2019. So, be sure to look out for our report on that.
Some interesting conversations took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds after the POV competition. At around 7:05 pm pacific time, September 7, 2019, Nicole was seen promising Cliff that she’s going to use her veto to save him from the eviction chopping block.
She said, “I won’t chance it with my number 1. So, you’ll be coming down.” From there, they celebrated in the storage room.
I don’t know about you guys, but that just makes me feel all good inside. Anyways, at around 7:20 pm, Jackson was seen telling Holly he doesn’t think Nicole will flip on them. Holly was obviously worried that Nicole might flip on them, and she should be. It would totally be smart for Nicole to break up that couple.
At around 8:20 pm, Nicole was seen talking to Cliff about possibly voting out Holly over Tommy. Cliff said, “I don’t like the idea. Tommy is more of a threat than Holly.”
At around 8:25 pm, Nicole said she plans to tell Jackson that they don’t plan to vote out Holly, but she has to save Cliff.
At around 8:35 pm, Nicole did indeed tell Jackson and Holly that she plans to save Cliff, and they won’t vote Holy out.
At around 10:15 pm, Holly told Jackson she felt more secure about things after talking with Nicole.
At around 12:05 am today, September 8, 2019, Nicole chatted with Tommy. Tommy told Nicole he would target Jackson or Holly if he stayed. Nicole said, “I’m still considering my options. I suspect Jackson and Holly would have taken a shot at me if they had the chance now.”
At around 1 am, Tommy told Nicole, ” I was okay with Christie being evicted when she was against Analyse, but not Nick.”
At around 2:10 am, Nicole revealed that it was an athletic comp she won, which adds even further to the surprise.
At around 2:50 am, Nicole further contemplated breaking up Holly and Jackson because she knows they will try to protect each other in the final 4. Nicole kept contemplating getting rid of Holly for about an hour or so before deciding to sleep on it.
I totally disagree with Cliff thinking Tommy is more dangerous than the Jackson and Holly power duo. I don’t know where he cooked up that idea, but it’s making him look real stupid right now.
Nicole is definitely still teetering on the idea of getting rid of Holly. So, all Tommy has to do is some light, factual campaigning that points out how dangerous Holly and Jackson are. Nicole is a smart girl, and I think that would be enough for her to side with Tommy. Hopefully, this is what ultimately happens.
How do you guys feel about Nicole winning the POV this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.
The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is due to air tonight,September 8, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the HOH competition, the nomination ceremony footage, various conversations and more. So, be sure to watch that one if you want to see how all of that stuff played out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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