Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New POV Ceremony Results Revealed For September 10, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New POV Ceremony Results Revealed For September 10, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got some more very important news for you guys in this article. Yesterday, September 9, 2019, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place, and a switch up of the nominees did happen as expected.

Before we get into that, we’re going to a brief recap of the week so far to make sure everyone is up to speed. This past Friday, September 6, 2019, Jackson aka Mickie became the new ruler of the house ,once again, by snagging up another 4th HOH (Head Of Household) win.

That same day, Jackson nominated both Tommy and Cliff for eviction with Tommy being his main target.

Then on Saturday, September 7, 2019, the POV competition was played, and Nicole stepped up again to pull out the victory!

All that led up to up to yesterday’s POV ceremony. During it, Nicole did as we expected and saved her main partner Cliff from the eviction chopping block. Then by default, Tommy had to nominate his partner Holly for eviction.

That means Holly and Tommy are the final eviction nominees, and one of them will definitely be headed to the jury house this Thursday night, September 12, 2019.

The last time we checked, Nicole was heavily contemplating using this opportunity get Holly out and finally split up the power couple of Jackson and Holly. It would definitely be a smart move.

Some interesting conversations took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds after the POV Ceremony. At around 2:15 pm pacific time, September 9, 2019, Cliff was seen telling the cameras he and Nicole might be the last duo in the house after this Thursday night. So, he’s also contemplating getting rid of Holly.

At around 6 pm, Jackson told Nicole and Cliff, “It’s all game at this point. I don’t care if Holly goes home.”

At around 6:08 pm, Cliff told Nicole, “If Jackson doesn’t really care that Holly goes home, maybe he won’t care if we vote her out.” Nicole mentioned that this could be part of Jackson’s plans to get rid of Holly without having to take the blame for it.

At around 6:17 pm, Cliff and Nicole both agreed that they are leaning towards keeping Tommy over Holly. Nicole said, “Keeping Tommy is definitely better than keeipng a showmance.” Amen, sister!

At around 7:22 pm, Tommy offered to throw the next HOH to Nicole or Cliff saying, “I would owe you that for keeping me. I have kept my word this entire game.” So, Tommy definitely started to work his campaign. He actually shouldn’t have to try too hard with this one. It’s totally obvious that Holly and Jackson should be split up.

Nicole told Tommy that she and Cliff are currently leaning towards keeping him. He was definitely happy to hear that.

Tommy also promised Nicole, “If I win the next veto, I will evict Jackson.” Yeah, from this point on, the veto winner has all the frigging power. Nicole told Tommy that she does indeed plan to keep him over Holly!

At around 7:47 pm, Tommy also told Cliff that he will gun to get Jackson out of the house if they keep him. Tommy said, “I give you my word, and I have never broken my word in this game.” Cliff told Tommy, “There is something very attractive about the three of us at the end of the game.”

Alright. So, judging from all of that, it certainly sounds like Tommy has a definite shot of staying over Holly this Thursday night.

He’s saying all the right things while Holly’s off somewhere trying to make sure Jackson isn’t mad at her. What? You see how crazy that sounds? She should be trying to win this $500,000. WTF?

Anyways, how do you guys feel about Nicole pulling Cliff off the eviction chopping block, and Holly replacing him by default? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.

The next,new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, September 11,2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

We expect it to feature the POV competition, the POV ceremony, various conversation footage and more. So, be sure to tune in for that one if you want to see how all that stuff played out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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