‘Supergirl’ Season 5, November 24, 2019 Episode 8 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight
Hey, “Supergirl” fans. We are back at you with a new article today. Unfortunately, we don’t have good news for you in this one. It turns out that for some reason, the CW has elected not to air the new episode 8 of this current 5th season tonight, November 24, 2019.
The good news is that this delay will only be for this week. That means you guys can expect to see the new episode 8 air next Sunday night, December 1, 2019 at 8 pm central standard time on The CW of course. So, be sure to jot down that very important date and time on your TV show calendars if you have one.
So, what will The CW be airing instead of Supergirl tonight, November 24, 2019. Well, according to the TV Guide listings, The CW is actually airing an episode of Supergirl, but it’s just a repeat episode.
They’re re-airing the very first episode of this current season 5. That episode is called, “Event Horizon.” CW’s official description for it reads like this, “In the Season 5 premiere, Kara is surprised to find that CatCo has a new owner who has brought in a star reporter.
New couples emerge and explore their budding relationships while J’onn J’onzz receives an unexpected visitor.”
If any of you guys missed that episode when it originally aired, tonight might be your lucky night to get caught up on it. If you did already see it, and just really don’t want to see it again, you’ll certainly want to find something else to do or watch tonight.
With all that said, we do have a bit good news for you guys. The CW did put out a new press release for episode 8 along with some preview photos and a preview clip.
Now, we must warn you that these items do contain quite a few spoiler teasers. So, if you don’t like spoilers, we highly recommend that you stop reading this article right now.
If you don’t mind seeing spoilers, by all means, we want you to keep reading this article. Now that our spoiler warning is in place, let’s go over this press release. For starters, it reveals that episode 8 is officially titled, “The Wrath of Rama Khan.” Wow, that sounds real serious.
It sounds like episode 8 will feature some extremely intense, dramatic, action-filled and serious scenes.
In the new episode 8, Supergirl will indeed have another huge battle on her hands! At some point, she will totally go head to head against the Leviathan Rama Khan. This battle will definitely hit a boiling point too!
Elsewhere, Lena Luthor will be back in action with Hope to pull off a huge event. At some point, these two are going to launch a new project that’s titled, “Non Nocere.” During it, Hope will prove to be very valuable to Lena.
The CW’s official description for episode 8 reads like this, “Supergirl’s (Melissa Benoist) struggle against Leviathan reaches a boiling point as she faces off against Rama Khan (guest star Mitch Pileggi). Meanwhile, as Lena (Katie McGrath) and Hope (Andrea Brooks) work to launch Project Non Nocere, Hope proves to be an invaluable asset to Lena.”
The new preview photos for episode 8 feature Hope and Lena working together. Their scenes look pretty serious and intense.
Supergirl is spotted in some action-filled scenes with J’onn J’onzz. Andrea is spotted in new scenes with Rama Khan, and they most certainly look very intense and serious.
You guys can view all the new preview photos for episode 8 over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.
In the episode 8 preview clip, Alex is seen telling Kara/Supergirl of Lena, “We have to stop her. The safety of the world depends on it.” Kara says, “You’re making her sound like a Luthor.” Alex says, “Maybe because she is one.”
Next, the clip cuts to a scene where we can hear Supergirl saying,”The cannons are loaded with kryptonite. Lena, don’t do this.”
Yep, episode 8 will definitely feature some very intense stuff. You guys can view the preview clip for episode 8 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Episode 8 was directed by Marcus Stokes, and it was written by Lindsay Struman and Jessica Kardos. Again, The CW’s press release confirmed that episode 8 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, December 1, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Supergirl” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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