‘Evil’ Season 1, November 28, 2019 Episode 9 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Evil” fans. It is with great displeasure that we have to write this article because it contains some bad news for tonight, November 28, 2019. It turns out that CBS will indeed not be airing the next,new episode 9 of this current first season of “Evil” tonight.
Related Article: ‘Evil’ Spoilers For Season 1, December 12, 2019 Episode 10 Revealed.
Instead, you guys can expect to see the new episode 9 hit the airwaves next Thursday night, December 5, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time on CBS of course. So, be sure to make note of that very important date on your TV show calendars.
What is CBS airing instead of Evil’s new episode 9 tonight? According to the TV Guide listings, CBS will actually be airing an “Evil” episode. However, It will just be a repeat. The repeat episode they’re airing is the second episode of this first season. It’s titled, “177 Minutes.”
CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Kristen, David and Ben are called to investigate a supposed miracle when Naomi Clark, a 17-year-old soccer player, comes back to life after she had been declared dead for almost two hours.
Also, Kristen meets with her former boss, Lewis Cormier, at the Queens District Attorney’s office, where she runs into Leland Townsend.”
If any of you guys missed episode 2 when it originally aired, tonight might just be your night to catch up on it. If you did already see it, and you don’t want to watch it again, you’ll certainly want to do or watch something else tonight.
We’ve got a bit of good news for the next, new episode 9. CBS did serve up a brand new press release for it. Please note that it does contain spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoiler teasers, it’s highly recommended that you stop reading this article right now.
Now that our spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s go over this new episode 9 press release. It reveals that episode 9 is titled, “Exorcism Part 2.”
It sounds like episode 9 will feature some very shocking, dramatic, intense and interesting scenes.
In the new episode 9, David is going to find out some very startling news. At some point, we will see David get served up some lawsuit papers from Caroline Hopkins. Her claims will be that David caused her severe psychological damage when he assisted in her exorcism.
This whole lawsuit drama will be so serious that it will cause David to actually start questioning his future in the priest business. This will be amplified by his budding relationship with his defense attorney Renee Harris.
CBS’ official description for episode 9 reads like this, “David is shocked to learn he is being sued for inflicting severe psychological harm on Caroline Hopkins (Karen Pittman), after he assisted in her exorcism.
The accusation leads him to question his future as a priest, especially once he develops a very close connection with his defense attorney, Renée Harris (Renée Elise Goldsberry).”
Episode 9 will feature a couple of guest stars.They are: Renée Elise Goldsberry as character (Renée Harris), Karen Pittman as character (Caroline Hopkins), Noah Robbins as character (Sebastian Lewin).
Guest stars continued: Jennifer Ferrin as character (Judith Lemonhead), Jeremy Shamos as character (Dr. Phillip Lynch-Giles), Peter Scolari as character (Bishop Thomas Marx), Kyle Selig as character (Process Server), Patrice Bell as character (Receptionist) and Graham Rowat as character (Adam Gardner).
Episode 9 will feature one recurring star. That one person is: Patrick Brammall as character (Andy Bouchard)
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 9 are: Katja Herbers as character (Kristen Bouchard), Mike Colter as character (David Acosta), Aasif Mandvi as character (Ben Shakir), Michael Emerson as character (Leland Townsend).
Season regulars continued: Christine Lahti as character (Sheryl Luria), Kurt Fuller as character (Dr. Boggs), Brooklyn Shuck as character (Lynn Bouchard), Skylar Gray as character (Lila Bouchard), Maddy Crocco as character (Lexis Bouchard) and Dalya Knapp as character (Laura Bouchard).
Episode 9 was written by Louisa Hill, and it was directed by Fred Toye. Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that episode 9 is scheduled to air next Thursday night, December 5, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Evil” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I don’t understand why they have entitled episode 9 Exorcism “Part 2”. Did I miss Part 1? When I see that title it makes me think that
because it wasn’t showing on November 28th that I missed “Part 1”.