‘The Bachelor’ February 24, 2020 Eliminated No One (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, February 24, 2020, the 9th episode of this current “The Bachelor” season 24 did indeed air, and it featured some very interesting moments.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the continuation of Madison’s very serious talk with Peter. She told the private cams, “I can’t keep moving forward if I can’t get the peace, clarity and confidence I need.”
She just had to get it off her chest to Peter that if he sleeps with any of the other women on the overnight dates, she was basically done.
She told Peter, “If you slept with someone else, it would be hard for me to move on with this. I just wanted to be upfront and honest with you about it. I don’t want to give you an ultimatum, but actions just speak louder than words to me.”
Peter told Madison, “I’m crazy about you. You know how much you mean to me.” Then they hugged. Peter did ask her straight up, “I need to know will you walk away from this If I get intimate with the other women?”
Madison had a hard time telling Peter that she would absolutely be done, but you could tell that she wanted to really stick to her beliefs.
My personal take on this is that Madison is just on the wrong show if she thought Peter wasn’t going to be intimate with the other women. That’s what these people do. Has she not watched this show? That’s what I kept asking myself as I viewed this.
Anyways, Peter told the private cams, “It’s frustrating with Madison because she’s the only one that hasn’t told me she’s in love me. I’ve heard it from Victoria F and Hannah Ann.”
Next, they fast-forwarded to the Gold Coast Australia footage. Peter told the private cams: “I care very deeply for Madison, but I’m not just dating Madison. I want to give all three relationships the best chance.”
Madison told the private cams, “I don’t want to think about Peter being with the other two women. At least I got to tell him. Now, he has some big decisions to make.”
Madison, Hannah Ann and Victoria F all nicely greeted each other in their hotel, but they were surprised to learn that they were sharing the same suite together.
Peter eventually greeted them. Hannah Ann got the first 1 on 1 date for this episode. Peter took her jet skiing. They had fun on the water and kissed while riding the jet skis. Then they had another talk.
Hannah Ann asked Peter, “How are you feeling about this whole process right now?” He said, “It’s been difficult.” Hannah Ann told Peter, “No matter what happens, I will always be there for you because I believe in us.”
After that, Peter told Hannah Ann, “I’m falling in love with you, and I just want to think about you right now.” Then they kissed. So, that went very well.
On the second half of their date, Peter told Hannah Ann, “I want to thank you for never letting any doubt to ever creep in. I’m 100 percent falling in love with you, and I don’t want you to worry about anything. You’re not going anywhere.”
Hannah Ann again said, “I’m never giving up.” Then they kissed. They easily agreed to go to the Fantasy suite together. The footage showed them kissing a lot in the Fantasy suite. So, they definitely got intimate.
At one point, Madison told Victoria F, “I’m super close to reaching my breaking point” as they discussed how Peter and Hannah Ann could be spending the night together.
Next, we saw Peter’s 1 on 1 date with Victoria F. Peter started off their date commenting about their disastrous hometown date. He told Victoria, “I want you to know I trust you. We have a clean slate.”
Victoria said, “I appreciate that.” Then they hugged. Peter took her on a helicopter ride to view the beautiful skyline of Gold Coast Australia. They appeared to have a great time. They kissed in the helicopter.
At one point,they decided to land in the Godwana Forest to talk. Peter told the private cams of Victoria F, “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
Victoria told Peter,”I’ve just been nervous. I don’t want you to give up.” Peter said, “I feel horrible about not being able to meet your family, but it did mean a lot when you came to see me the next day and didn’t want to let this go.” Then they toasted over that and kissed.
During the second half of their date, Victoria told Peter, “We need to have more of a conversation about communication. I need you to know why I am the way I am. I was never really asked about my feelings in my last relationship. So, I thought something was wrong. Just tell me what you need from me.
Peter said, “I just want to know I can always count on you.” Victoria said, “In the past, I didn’t feel good enough because my ex made me question everything. Does that make sense? I don’t know what you want.”
Peter said, “I’m not judging you. It’s just the two of us. I want you to feel like you deserve all the love in the world. I appreciate the challenge of our relationship. I just don’t want you to push me away.”
Victoria said, “I won’t. I’m sorry.” Then they kissed, and they both agreed to go to the Fantasy suite. Victoria told Peter, “I am falling in love with you.” Then they kissed some more.
They showed Victoria and Peter waking up together in bed. Victoria again told Peter she’s in love with him. Then they kissed some more. Victoria told the private cams of Peter, “I can see a future with him, and I’m so hopeful.”
Meanwhile, Madison still expressed to the private cams how uncomfortable she is with Peter spending the night with two other women.
At one point, Madison told Hannah Ann, “Peter sleeping with anybody else makes me uncomfortable. It’s a make or break for me.” Hannah Ann told the private cams of Madison’s statement, “I was thrown off by that. We know what we signed up for. It’s madness.”
Hannah Ann told Madison, “That’s just a natural instinct to not want another woman to be with someone you’re dating.”
Next, they showed footage of Peter’s 1 on 1 date with Madison. Madison greeted Peter with a huge hug. Peter told the private cams, “I love every second I spend with Madison.”
Peter took Madison to scale the highest building in Gold Coast Australia. They appeared to have a great time,and they kissed on top of the building.
Back at the hotel, Hannah Ann and Victoria both agreed that Madison is struggling. Hannah Ann told Victoria about the ultimatum Madison gave Peter. Victoria got really pissed off about it too. She told the private cams, “Putting him in that position is so unfair. I care about him so much that it makes me mad for him.”
During the second half of Peter and Madison’s date, Peter got right down to the nitty gritty and talked to Madison about her ultimatum. He told her, “I’ve been torn because I do have two other relationships right now.”
Madison said, “The last thing I wanted to do was put you in a difficult position. I made a commitment to myself to save myself for marriage.” Peter said, “I respect that. It’s a beautiful thing. That’s not me, but that’s ok. We can be different.”
Madison said, “I wouldn’t be able to accept an engagement if you have slept with any of the other women. That’s just the expectations that I have for myself in life.” Peter said, “You would be able to walk away from this?”
Madison said, “I just can’t wrap my mind around that. I just can’t. I don’t want to feel like a bad person for the standards that I have. You’ve been worth fighting for, but this one thing. I can’t.”
Then Peter went ahead and told Madison ,straight up, “I have been intimate, and I can’t lie to you about that. I have to be honest with you. I can 100 percent see a future with you, but I can also see a future with the other women.”
After that, Madison walked outside and cried. Madison told the private cams, “I felt really, really hurt and let down. I made it really clear before the week started. So, he might lose me. I’m so frustrated and mad at him.”
Peter eventually went to talk to Madison. He gave her a hug. She cried in his arms. Peter told her, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know how friggin tough this is for you.”
Madison said, “I just felt really hurt in there. I can’t change what I believe and stand for. I feel bad.” Peter said, “Do you think we could ever get past this?”
Madison said, “I’m torn. I don’t want to walk away.” Peter said, “Don’t walk away. I’m not perfect. I know that I’ve hurt you, and I’m sorry for that, but please don’t walk away from this.”
ABC left the episode hanging at that point with the “To be continued” message. So, we will have to wait until next week’s episode to see if Madison leaves Peter unless you’ve read our spoiler article for this round of dates. If you have, you might already know.
Anyways, the next, new “The Bachelor” season 24 episode 10 is scheduled to air next Monday night, March 2, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest”The Bachelor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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