New ‘Outlander’ Spoilers For Season 5 ,May 10, 2020 Finale Episode 12 Revealed

Hey, “Outlander” fans. We are back at you on this lovely Sunday morning to let you guys know how this 5th season of “Outlander” is going to end. That’s right, guys. Next week’s brand new episode 12 is indeed the finale episode of this current season 5 for Outlander.
We were able to track down a couple of official teaser descriptions for episode 12 via the official episode 12 press release from STARZ. So, that’s what we’ll certainly be using as a source for this spoiler session. Let’s get started.
First off, the official title for this season 5, finale episode 12 is called,”Never My Love.” It sounds like episode 12 will feature some very intense, dramatic,action-filled, suspenseful and interesting scenes as Claire gets brutalized! Jamie gathers a troop to go rescue Claire. Roger and Brianna run into a big twist and more!
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Claire situation. Things definitely won’t be looking good for Claire in this episode. Nope, not at all. Poor Claire will struggle to stay alive as she gets major, brutal treatment from whoever captured her!
STARZ’s official description for this latest Claire debacle reads like this, “Claire struggles to survive brutal treatment from her captors.”
Will Claire be able to hang in there until help arrives to save her? Will she even get rescued at all? Those are some very important questions for this particular storyline.
Given that this is the season finale episode, we can only hope these questions get answered in this episode as we might get left with a cliffhanger to set up the new season 6 (more about that later). Whatever the case, you guys can certainly expect to see a ton of drama and violence from this storyline. So, get prepared for all of that.
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Jamie will be extremely busy in this episode. Since his wife Claire is obviously not safe right now, Jamie will gather up a team of men as quickly as he can to go on a rescue mission to save Claire!
STARZ’s description for this rescue mission plotline reads like this, “Jamie gathers a group of loyal men to help him rescue his wife.”
Will Jamie and his loyal group of men be able to successfully pull off rescuing Claire from her brutal captors? That is the big question for this particular storyline. Obviously, we hope that they can, but we will certainly have to wait and see if things actually play out that way.
We’re quite sure this plotline will feature a ton of action, violence, drama and suspense for you guys to look forward to when next Sunday night rolls around.
The 3rd and last teaser description lets us know that Roger and Brianna will have a very significant moment in this episode. At some point, we will see Roger and Brianna go on a trip. During this trip, a very startling turn of events will get thrust upon them!
STARZ’s description for this latest Roger and Brianna scenario reads like this, “Roger and Brianna’s journey takes a surprising turn.”
What will this surprising turn consist of? That is the burning question for this storyline. Only time will tell however long that may be.
Remember, this is a season finale episode. So, any one of these storylines could end with a cliffhanger that’s filled with tons of unanswered questions. That’s what the producers do to keep you wanting more for the next season.
Speaking of the next season, we can officially confirm with you guys that a new season 6 has already been greenlit by STARZ. So, you guys can feel free to celebrate that. You guys can also expect another 12 episodes for season 6.
According to, STARZ served up a press release for the renewal of season 6. It reads like this, “Fans can rest assured their beloved Claire and Jamie will be back facing new challenges, adversaries, and adventures in seasons five and six as we delve into American history and continue the story of the Frasers as they settle in the New World,” Starz revealed in a press release.
“Seasons five and six will each play out over 12 episodes respectively and will be based on material from the fifth book in the Outlander series, entitled The Fiery Cross, as well as the sixth book in the series, A Breath of Snow and Ashes.”
STARZ also released a new preview clip for episode 12. It features Claire getting captured and crying her poor eyeballs out while sitting in the small room they threw her in.
The clip also shows Jamie telling the men he’s gathered up for the rescue mission to save Claire, “We’re going to get her back.” You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 12 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
STARZ’ press release confirmed that the season finale episode 12 of Outlander’s current season 5 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, May 10, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Outlander” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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