‘The 100’ Spoilers For Season 7, May 27, 2020 Episode 2 Revealed

‘The 100’ Spoilers For Season 7, May 27, 2020 Episode 2 Revealed

Hey, “The 100” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed the big start to the final season 7 tonight with the premiere episode 1. Now, that it’s officially in the books, we are jumping on here to give you a few spoiler scoops for what’s coming up in the next, new episode 2, which is due out next week.

We were able to get the main storyline description for episode 2 via the wonderful folks over at The CW. They served up an official press release for episode 2. So, we’re going to run it by you right now. Let’s get started.

For starters, episode 2 is officially titled, “The Garden.” It sounds like episode 2 will feature some pretty interesting, possible dramatic, intense and action-filled scenes.

In the new episode 2, it will be revealed that Hope has a very strange and mysterious past. However, it will become less strange because Echo and Gabriel are going to learn more about it at some point.

The CW’s official description for episode 2 reads like this, “Echo (Tasya Teles) and Gabriel (Chuku Modu) learn more about Hope (Shelby Flannery) and her mysterious past.”

What new things will Echo and Gabriel learn about Hope? That’s a big question we’ll be looking to see get answered before the hour is up next week.

Whatever the case, it does sound like this plotline will deliver some pretty intriguing and possible intense scenes for you guys to look forward to when next Wednesday night rolls around. So, get ready for it.

Episode 2 will also feature: Eliza Taylor as character Clarke Griffin, Bob Morley as character Bellamy Blake, Marie Avgeropuolos as character Octavia Blake, Lindsey Morgan as character Raven Reyes, Richard Harmon as character John Murphy, Shannon Kook as character Jordan Green and JR Bourne as character Russell Lightbourne.

Episode 2 was directed by Dean White, and it was written by Jeff Vlaming. CW’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 2 of “The 100” season 7 is indeed scheduled to air next Wednesday night, May 27, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The 100” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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