New ‘Wynonna Earp’ Spoilers For Season 4, August 23, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

New ‘Wynonna Earp’ Spoilers For Season 4, August 23, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

Hey,”Wynonna Earp” fans. We hope you guys totally got an absolute kick out of watching tonight’s episode 4. Now that it’s officially come and gone, we’re jumping back on here to give you guys a brief summary of what you can expect to see in the next, new episode 5, which is due out next Sunday night, August 23,2020.

The terrific folks over at Syfy did reveal a brief teaser description for one of the main plotlines for episode 5. So, that is what we’ll be going over in this spoiler session. Let’s get at it.

For starters, Syfy revealed what the official title for this 5th episode is. It’s called, “Holy War: Part 1.” It sounds like episode 5 will feature some possible, very intense, dramatic, action-filled and suspenseful scenes.

In the new episode 5, there will be some extreme trouble that goes down at the Homestead, and it will not be taken lightly. Oh, no, no,no. It’s going to totally lead to a big payback plot getting cooked up. This payback plot will feature a very deadly deal!

Syfy’s official description for episode 5 reads like this, “Trouble at the Homestead leads to payback time for a deadly deal.”

What will this trouble turn out to be? What will this deadly deal payback consist of? Those are some very important questions we’ll be looking to see get answered in this episode.

Whatever the case, it certainly sounds like this plotline is going to deliver up some very intense and dramatic scenes for you guys to look forward to. So, get ready for it when next Sunday night finally gets here.

Again, Syfy’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of Wynonna Earp’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, August 23, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Wynonna Earp” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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