Big Brother October 15, 2020 Evicted Memphis Garrett (Recap)

Big Brother October 15, 2020 Evicted Memphis Garrett (Recap)

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, October 15, 2020, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother season 22, All-Stars did indeed air ,and another houseguests was sent packing at the end.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after the last POV ceremony when reigning HOH Nicole did not use the veto. Memphis told the private cams, “I feel confident that Cody and Enzo will keep me.”

Nicole reassured Christmas by telling her she thinks it will be a 2-0 vote to get Memphis out this week. She stated, “It’s definitely going to be 2-0 in my opinion.” Christmas obviously didn’t have a problem with that scenario.

In an effort to get Cody’s vote locked in, Memphis told Cody, “Christmas was going to try to backdoor you if she won HOH. I would’ve been so upset if that happened.”

However, that didn’t appear to work out to well as Cody told the private cams, “What Memphis doesn’t know is Nicole told me Memphis tried to get in on that backdoor plan with Christmas. So, it’s laughable that Memphis tried to tell me he was upset about me possibly going, and I’m going to laugh when he gets sent to jury.”

Enzo told the private cams, “For me , Memphis is probably the better choice to stay this week.” Enzo campaigned to Cody to keep Memphis.

Enzo told the private cams, “I think Memphis would take me to the final 2. I think Christmas benefits Nicole’s game if she stays. I would like to split the votes 1-1 to make Nicole break the tie and get blood on her hands. Then maybe she gets one less jury vote.” Enzo ran this idea by Cody, and he agreed that it is a good idea.

After all of that, they showed more footage from the jury house. Tyler greeted them after he was evicted last week. Then he played them a DVD of the week he was evicted.

Dani really pitched for Cody to win, saying he’s playing such a good and well-rounded game. At one point, Da’Vonne asked Tyler if he was being honest when he promised Da’Vonne and Bayleigh he would give up his game for them.

Tyler told Da’Vonne that he was 100 percent honest that he was going to give up his game for them, but Christmas wouldn’t let him because it wasn’t good for her game. Tyler was her final 2,he said. Da’Vonne finally believed him. So,they had an emotional moment.

Next, the jury house members got a note, which was a DVD with messages from their loved ones. Ian got a message from his girlfriend. Dani got a message from her husband Dominique. David from his father. Tyler from his girlfriend Angela. Da’Vonne from her daughter, and Kevin from his husband. So,the jury house footage got quite emotional in that moment. Tyler was crying his eyes out for Angela.

After all of that, the eviction nominees Christmas and Memphis gave their final plea speeches. Then the other houseguests casts their votes to evict.

No one voted to evict Christmas. Cody and Enzo both voted to evict Memphis. So, by a unanimous vote of 2-0, Memphis was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 22, All-Stars house tonight.

Afterwards, Memphis gave his exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. He told Julie, “I was definitely blindsided for sure. They obviously didn’t see me as an asset to their game moving forward.

I’m not upset. It’s a game, but I do feel a little blindsided. I was really planning on taking Enzo and Cody to the final three. There’s no hard feelings with Cody because if I was sitting in the final three, I would’ve probably taken Enzo.”

Next, the remaining houseguests competed or the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition. They brought previously evicted houseguest Kaysar back to present what the competition will be. He said it’s “Knight Moves,” which he played in his original season 6.

They did not play the HOH comp on the LIVE show. So, we will have to tell you guys who won it later on when we find out the results. So, definitely stay tuned for that very important update.

How do you guys feel about Memphis getting evicted tonight? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother season 22 episode is scheduled to air this Monday night, October 19, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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