Big Brother October 22, 2020 Evicted Christmas Abbott (Recap)

Hey,fellow “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, October 22, 2020, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 22, All-Stars edition did indeed air, and another houseguest was sent packing to the jury house.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what happened in the house after the last POV (Power Of Veto) competition when Cody won it.
Enzo told Christmas, “I’m trying to keep you in this house. I want you in the final 3 because I have a better chance of getting to the final 2 with you in this house. Make whatever deal you can with Cody. Throw me under the bus if you have to. Do whatever.”
Nicole was seen bragging about having the most days in the house of any past houseguest. Even Janelle.
Enzo told the private cams, “It’s better for me if Christmas is in the final 3 because she would take me to the final 2 over Cody.”
Christmas started feeling some type of bad way about Enzo. She said Enzo has burned her 3 times in this game by not voting out Nicole during the triple eviction, putting her on the block and so on and so forth.
Christmas told Cody, “Enzo has been trying to get Nicole out since the beginning of this season. He burned me in the triple. I want to take you to the final two.”
Cody told the private cams, “I have to say, Christmas is not going down without a fight.”
Nicole campaigned to Cody saying , “I’m taking you to the final 2. Christmas is not taking you to the final 2. It’s a bad game move if you cut me.” Nicole told the private cams, “Cody is really stressing me out” because Cody kept teasing her about possibly taking Christmas over her.
After all of that, they showed more jury house footage. Dani kept rooting for Cody saying, he’s the best player.
Memphis joined them and played them a DVD of his final days in the house. Tyler said, “It’s Cody’s game to lose right now.” Memphis said, “Christmas is the most dangerous player in the game right now. She’s willing to do anything to win.”
After that, they showed the POV Ceremony. Cody couldn’t technically use the veto since there was no replacement nominee. So, they went straight into the eviction. The eviction nominees Christmas and Nicole gave their final plea speeches.
After that, Cody used his sole vote to keep Nicole thereby evicting Christmas. He told Christmas.”I’m so sorry. This is what’s best for me and my game.”
Christmas gave everyone a hug on the way out and told them, “we’re all getting bears after this.” She had a good attitude about it.
Next, Christmas gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. During it, she said, “I expected Cody to keep Nicole, but I’m still in shock. I really would’ve taken Cody to final the two if he would’ve cut Nicole because Enzo burned me.”
Christmas also got to hear some goodbye messages from Enzo, Cody and Nicole. Cody told Christmas about the two alternate wise guys alliances and his alliance with Nicole since day 2. Nicole also told Christmas about her day 2 alliance with Cody.
Christmas said, “I was not shocked by any of it. I kind of saw it all in the house. I’m proud of how I played. 4th place.”
After that, Cody, Enzo and Nicole got video messages from their loved ones. Cody got a message from his girlfriend, Enzo got a message from his daughter and son. Nicole got a message from her fiance Victor. They were all very happy to hear from them as you can imagine.
The next big event is the 3-part HOH (Head Of Household) competition. We expect the first part of it to be played later on tonight or tomorrow. So, we’ll jump back on here to report the results of it when we get them.
The winner of the first part will automatically advance to round 3. The two losers will battle it out in round 2 to see who advances to round 3.
Then the winner of the final round 3 will claim the last HOH of this season and select who to take to the final 2. So,this it, guys. We’re finally approaching the end of this second All-Stars season. We’ll be back with the results. So, look out for our report on that.
How do you guys feel about Christmas Abbott getting evicted tonight? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next,new Big Brother season 22,All-Stars episode is scheduled to air Monday night, October 26, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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Wow, already out ???? Damn, a must-see tonight. Don’t spoiler it, please)