New The Bachelorette Spoilers For November 24, 2020 Episode 7 Revealed

Hey, “The Bachelorette” fans. We are back to give you guys another spoiler session for the upcoming The Bachelorette 2020 edition with headliner Tayshia Adams. In this article, we’re going to tell what’s going down in the next, new episode 7, which is due to hit the airwaves this Tuesday night, November 24, 2020.
The terrific folks over at ABC were kind enough to grace us with another one of their big press releases for episode 7. It contains a lot of teaser descriptions for episode 7. So, that’s what we’ll be breaking down in this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.
The first teaser description for this brand new episode 7 reveals that Tayshia will have a group date with seven of the guys. During it, they will compete for a 1 on 1 date with Tayshia by writing and performing a love song for her.
The eventual winner of this competition will end up having a very emotional conversation with Tayshia, which will lead to them realizing that they have a lot more in common than they previously thought. Apparently, they will reveal very intimate details about their upbringing.
An alternate description reads like this, “Seven men compete for the only one-on-one date by writing and performing a love song for Tayshia. The winner of the musical competition opens up during an emotional conversation with Tayshia, and they may have more in common than they both realize.
A musical faceoff ensues between seven men as they attempt to write a romantic song and serenade Tayshia to win a one-on-one date. It is not all fun and games for the man who wins. His moving story prompts Tayshia to reveal some of her own closely held feelings about her upbringing as well.
Tayshia and One Special Guy Share Their Deeply Personal Stories as They Search for a Connection.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that former Bachelorette headliner Becca Kufrin and Sydney Lotuaco from The Bachelor 2019 season with Colton Underwood will show up to help Tayshia design a very wild game of Truth or Dare for six of the guys when they go on another group date. This group date will end with a very romantic night session.
ABC’s description for this 6-man, group date session tells us, “Former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin and ‘The Bachelor’ 23’s Sydney Lotuaco Plan a Crazy Game of Truth or Dare to Test Some of Tayshia’s Men.”
An alternate description reads like this, “Former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin and Sydney Lotuaco from season 23 of “The Bachelor” visit Tayshia, helping her plan an outrageous game of Truth or Dare for six of the men.
Tayshia’s friends Becca and Sydney join in the fun as they design a wild game of Truth or Dare for six of the remaining men. Who will leave a lasting impression with their truthful answers to some tough questions? All the guys show up for Tayshia, but who will receive the group date rose on a very romantic night?”
The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that both Ben and Ed will be up for doing something a little extra as they end up trying to steal some extra alone time with Tayshia at some point right before the cocktail party festivities begin.
During their sneaky 1 on 1 conversations with Tayshia, they will try to see where they stand with her, and a very funny outcome will result from all of this because one of the guys will end up at the wrong door!
ABC’s description for this Ben and Ed twist tells us,”Ben and Ed separately decide to steal some extra time with the Bachelorette before the cocktail party to assess where they stand with her, leading to a hilarious outcome.”
An alternate description reads like this, “Ben and Ed ramp up their individual plans to secretly visit Tayshia. Which one will be standing on her doorstep when she answers his knock? Will his wish for alone time be granted? The other man’s enthusiastic rap on the wrong door leads to an awkward conversation.”
The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that we’re going to see the angry and intense side of Tayshia right before the rose ceremony takes place!
Apparently, one of the guys will be a tattletale and let Tayshia know that some of the guys have been questioning her decision-making. Tayshia will get very stern with the men and tell them that they need to check themselves!
The guys will be totally shocked by Tayshia’s anger, which will cause them to go off on the guy that tattled on them. The guys will be shaking in their boots, hoping they don’t get sent home at the rose ceremony!
ABC’s description for this Tayshia blow up tells us, “All hell breaks loose as Tayshia discovers what some men have been saying about her right before the rose ceremony.”
An alternate description reads like this,”When one man spills the tea to Tayshia about how some of the other bachelors have questioned her decision-making, it causes an uproar.
The Bachelorette is having none of it and cautions the men to check their behavior. The blindsided guys focus their anger on the man who started the commotion and can only hope they aren’t sent home at the rose ceremony.”
ABC did release a new preview clip for episode 7. It features Tayshia kissing up on a lot of the guys. It also shows her angry blow up scene.
During it, Tayshia is seen telling the guys, “If you guys are trying to start drama in the house for no reason, I will gladly walk you outside!” You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 7 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
So, this definitely looks like it’ll be another very intense and dramatic episode this Tuesday night. Get ready for it.
ABC’s press release confirmed that the next,new episode 7 of The Bachelorrette 2020 edition with Tayshia Adams is indeed scheduled to air this Tuesday night, November 24, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelorette” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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