New Seal Team Spoilers For Season 4, December 9, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

New Seal Team Spoilers For Season 4, December 9, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “Seal Team” fans. Welcome to the brand new season 4. Yes, it finally got here after being delayed for so long due to the terrible pandemic. We hope you guys enjoyed episodes 1 and 2 tonight. We are on here to let you know what’s going down in the next, new episode 3 of Seal Team’s current season 4. It’s due out next Wednesday night, December 9, 2020.

The lovely CBS folks served up a teaser description for one of the main episode 3 storylines via their official episode 3 press release. So, we’re going to tell you all about it right now. Let’s get into it.

First thing’s first. Episode 3 is officially titled, “The New Normal.” It sounds like episode 3 will feature some very interesting,possible dramatic, action-filled and intense scenes.

In the new episode 3, the Bravo team will definitely take the spotlight in this particular storyline. Apparently, seven of the members are going to make very important career decisions that literally change their friggin lives!

This will indeed cause the Bravo team to have to operate under a new dynamic. This new dynamic will cause the team to face some struggles.

CBS’ official description for episode 3 reads like this, “Bravo Team struggles to adjust to a new team dynamic after several members make life-altering career decisions.”

Episode 3 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Parisa Fakhri as character (Naima Perry), Emily Swallow as character (Natalie Pierce), Jamie McShane as character (Captain Lindell), Tim Chiou as character (Michael “Thirty Mike” Chen), Kaliayh Rhambo as character (Jameelah Perry), Kerri Medders as character (Emma Hayes), Ellen Wroe as character (Olivia Green) and Roxanne Beckford as character (American Ambassador).

Episode 3 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Justin Melnick as character (Brock Reynolds), Tyler Grey as character (Trent Sawyer), Scott Foxx as character (Full Metal) and Judd Lormand as character (Lt. Cdr. Eric Blackburn).

The season regulars that will be featured in episode 3 are: David Boreanaz as character (Jason Hayes), Max Thieriot as character (Clay Spenser), Neil Brown Jr. as character (Ray Perry), AJ Buckley as character (Sonny Quinn) and Toni Trucks as character (Lisa Davis).

Episode 3 was written by Spencer Hudnut, and it was directed by Christopher Chulack.

CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of Seal Team’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Wednesday night, December 9, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Seal Team” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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