New SWAT Spoilers For Season 4, December 16, 2020 Episode 6 Revealed

Hey, “S.W.A.T.” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed episode 5 tonight. Now that it’s officially over and done with, we are back in action to deliver up some new spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 6 of SWAT’s current season 4, which is due out next Wednesday night,December 16, 2020.
We were able to gather up a couple of new teaser descriptions for episode 6 via the official episode 6 press release served up by the terrific CBS folks. So, we’ll be working with those for this spoiler session. Let’s do it.
First thing’s first. We’ve got to tell you the title the producers assigned to this episode. It is called, “Hopeless Sinners.” Wow, that sounds disparaging.
Anyways, it sounds like episode 6 will feature some very intense, action-filled, dramatic, scandalous and possible emotional scenes as Chris enlists the SWAT crew to her personal mission. Hondo gets disturbing news about Darryl! Tan’s wedding encounters a hitch and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Chris, personal mission situation. It turns out that Chris will be on a personal mission that involves rescuing a teenage girl from a very crooked religious leader who has been using his church for illicit gain.
Chris will decide not to do this mission alone after all when she brings on the SWAT team to help her out.
CBS’ official description for this Chris, personal mission storyline reads like this,”Chris brings the SWAT team into her personal mission to save a teenage girl from a charismatic, predatory religious leader (Sean Patrick Thomas) using his church for illicit gain.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Darry’s father Leroy will be the culprit of some very disturbing news that Hondo gets at some point in this episode.
CBS’ description for this latest Hondo scenario reads like this, “Hondo receives troubling news about Darryl related to Leroy, Darryl’s father, being released from prison.”
The 3rd and last teaser description lets us know that Tan will not be having the greatest time in this episode as his wedding plans will not go off without a hitch. There’s definitely going to be something that trips him up.
CBS’ description for this Tan wedding debacle reads like this, “Tan’s wedding planning hits a snag.”
Episode 6 will feature quite a few guest stars. They are: Sean Patrick Thomas as character (Bishop Miller), Mika Abdalla as character (Zoey), Joy Osmanski as character (Agent Carr), Graham Patrick Martin as character (Dylan).
Guest stars continued: Carlos Acuña as character (Garza), Hannah Leigh as character (Jenn), Kevin Sifuentes as character (Henry), Elena Campbell-Martinez as character (Juanita), David Bowe as character (Bolton), Tim Gabriel as character (Knox) and Hannah Bamberg as character (Carla).
Episode 6 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Lou Ferrigno, Jr. as character (Stevens), Deshae Frost as character (Darryl) and Michael Beach as character (Leroy).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 6 are: Shemar Moore as character (Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson), Alex Russell as character (Jim Street), Jay Harrington as character (David “Deacon” Kay), Lina Esco as character (Christina “Chris” Alonso).
Season regulars continued: Kenny Johnson as character (Dominique Luca), David Lim as character (Victor Tan), Patrick St. Esprit as character (Commander Robert Hicks) and Amy Farrington as character (Lieutenant Piper Lynch).
Episode 6 was written by Alison Cross, and it was directed by Cheri Dvorak.
CBS’ press release confirmed that the next, new episode 6 of SWAT’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Wednesday night, December 16, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “S.W.A.T.” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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