FBI Season 3, December 15, 2020 Episode 4 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

FBI Season 3, December 15, 2020 Episode 4 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey, “FBI” fans. We are back in action ,tonight, to give you guys some info that you will most likely not like at all. It turns out that the next, new episode 4 of FBI’s current season 3 is heavily delayed. That means it will be put on the back burner tonight, December 15, 2020.

Not only will episode 4 be delayed tonight. It will be delayed for an entire month almost. We’ve been told that the official premiere date for episode 4 is Tuesday night, January 12,2021 in its same 8 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, be sure to memorize or write down that very important date and time as soon as you can.

So, what is CBS airing instead of the next, new episode 4 of FBI’s current season 3 over this 4-week break. Well,according to TV guide, CBS is going to air a repeat episode of NCIS in the 8 pm central standard time slot tonight. It will be NCISepisode 1 of season 17 titled, “Out of the Darkness.”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this,”Ziva surprises Gibbs with a cryptic warning, prompting him to question why she remained underground for years while being presumed dead by family and friends.”

Next Tuesday night,December 22, 2020, CBS will be airing a new episode of “Let’s Make a Deal Primetime.”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Celebrating the holidays with Christmas decorations and festively themed games and deals; actor Christopher Jackson.”

On Tuesday night, December 29, 2020, CBS will re-air a repeat episode of FBI. It will be the 17th episode of last season 2 titled, “Safe Room.”

CBS official description for it reads like this, “After the police ignore a desperate father’s plea for help, he abducts a billionaire’s daughter and holds her hostage in a near-impenetrable safe room until his own missing child is returned to him. Also, Jubal puts his hostage negotiation skills to the test.”

On Tuesday night, January 5, 2021, CBS will re-air another repeat episode of FBI. This one will be episode 9 of last season 2 titled, “Salvation”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “After an altercation with a student, teacher Patrick Miller (Evan Williams) goes missing, leading the team to investigate everyone who might have had a grudge against him. Also, a key witness in the case steps up to help, and Maggie does whatever she can to ensure their safety.”

If that alternate line up of programming sounds interesting to any of you, you might want to go ahead and still flip on CBS like you normally would.

On the other hand, if you absolutely hate what CBS is airing over this 4-week break, you will undoubtedly want to change up your schedules until the break is over.

Normally, this would be the part of the article where we tell you what’s going down in the next, new episode 4 of FBI’s current season 3, but we won’t be able to do that at this time because CBS has yet to serve up an official press release for episode 4. So, we’re going to have to wait on that.

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 4 of FBI’s current season 3 is scheduled to air on Tuesday night, January 12, 2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest FBI TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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