Nurses Season 1, December 21, 2020 Episode 3 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Nurses Season 1, December 21, 2020 Episode 3 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Nurses” fans. We’ve got some very sad, sad news for you guys today. It is with great displeasure that we have to inform you that your favorite show is on a break right now. That means NBC is not going to air the next, new episode 3 of Nurses’ current season 1 tonight, December 21, 2020.

NBC will also not be airing it next Monday night, December 28, 2020. No, no, no. NBC has scheduled this episode for not just a later date, but also a new night! That’s right, guys. You can expect to see the new episode 3 officially premiere on Tuesday night,January 5, 2021 in the same 9 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to mark down that very special date and time on your TV show schedules at your earliest convenience.

So, what will NBC air instead of the next, new episode 3 of Nurses’ current season 1 over the next two weeks? According to the TV guide listings, NBC is going to air repeat episodes of the Weakest Link game show in the 9 pm central standard time slot that Nurses occupied.

Tonight’s episode will be episode 1 of season 1. NBC’s description for it reads like this, “Emmy winner Jane Lynch hosts a revival of the international phenomenon. Eight strangers work as a team to play a high-stakes game of trivia and then vote each other off one by one for a chance to win up to $1 million.”

Next Monday night, NBC will be re-airing the second episode of The Weakest Link’s season 1 titled, “Who Needs a Recipe to Make Ice Water?”

NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “Eight strangers work as a team to play a high-stakes game of trivia. They turn on each other to eliminate the weakest in hopes to win up to a $1 million prize.”

If any of you guys are up for some Weakest Link repeat episodes, you might still want to watch NBC over these next, two weeks during that time. If not, you will most certainly want to get some other plans whipped up as fast as you can.

With all that said, we do have some new info for the next, new episode 3 of Nurses current season 1. NBC served up an official press release for it. So, we’re going to run it by you guys right now.

If you don’t like reading any type of spoilery information, we do advise that you leave this article ,right now, because this press release does contain some teaser spoiler scoops.

If you like reading spoiler teasers, I think it goes without saying that we would love for you to stay.

With that said, we’re going to start off with the official title for episode 3. It’s called, “Friday Night Legend.”

It sounds like episode 3 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and possible emotional scenes.

In the new episode 3, Grace will definitely be in the spotlight. It turns out that Grace will encounter a certain patient that has a very elusive diagnosis. This scenario will cause Grace to be forced to confront a serious trauma that she experienced in the past.

NBC’s official description for episode 3 reads like this, “Grace is forced to confront her own past trauma when she encounters a patient whose diagnosis proves to be elusive.”

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of Nurses’ premiere season 1 is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday night, January 5,2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Nurses” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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