Seal Team Season 4, February 3, 2021 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Seal Team Season 4, February 3, 2021 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Seal Team” fans. We had to jump back on here ,real quick, to deliver some more bad news. It turns out that CBS is not going to air the next, new episode 7 of Seal Team’s current season 4 tonight, February 3, 2021.

Unfortunately, this news gets much worse, guys. We have to tell you that they also will not be airing it next Wednesday night, February 10, 2021. So, this is going to be a delay of two weeks.

CBS has informed us that they plan to air episode 7 on Wednesday night, February 17, 2021 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to memorize that very important date and time.

Also, we were able to track down what CBS is airing instead of the next, new episode 7 of Seal Team’s current season 4 tonight and next week. Tonight, they are airing a repeat episode of Seal Time. This one is the 18th episode of last season 3 titled, “Edge of Nowhere”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Bravo Team searches for a new terrorist group leader who is orchestrating violent resistance to peace negotiations in Afghanistan. Also, Clay learns what it means to be a leader and Sonny works to repair his relationship with his father in Texas, on a rebroadcast of SEAL TEAM.”

Then, next Wednesday night, February 10, 2021, CBS will be airing another repeat episode of Seal Team. This repeat episode will be the 19th episode of last season 3 titled, “In The Blind.”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Bravo Team gets ambushed by enemy forces during a mission to extract a potential link to a new terrorist leader. Also, Sonny considers planting roots in his hometown on a rebroadcast of SEAL TEAM.”

If any of you guys are up for a couple of Seal Team reruns over these next, two weeks, you might still want to stick to your CBS viewing schedules at that time.

However, if you absolutely know that you don’t want to see anything but the new episode 7 of Seal Team’s current season 4, you will certainly want to make other plans right this second.

With all of that said, we were able to track down an official title for the next, new episode 7 of Seal Team’s current season 4. It’s called, “All IN.”

Unfortunately, that’s all we’ve got for now as CBS has yet to reveal an official press release for it.

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 7 of Seal Team’s current season 4 is scheduled to finally arrive on Wednesday night, February 17, 2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Seal Team” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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1 Response

  1. jerry says:

    why have so many seal team episodes been delayed this season

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