Chicago Med Season 6, April 14, 2021 Episode 12 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Chicago Med” fans. We are unfortunately back to give you guys some more bad news in this article. It turns out that your favorite show Chicago Med is getting delayed again tonight, April 14, 2021. That means you guys will have to wait around a little bit longer to see the next, new episode 12 of this current Chicago Med season 6.
Fortunately, this delay is just for this week. NBC has announced that they do plan to air the new episode 12 next Wednesday night, April 21, 2021 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to definitely keep that very important date and time at the forefront of your memories.
So, what is NBC going to replace your favorite show with tonight? According to the TV guide listings, NBC will actually still be airing an episode of Chicago Med tonight. However, it will just be a rerun episode. They’re re-airing the 7th episode of this season 6 titled, “BETTER IS THE ENEMY OF GOOD.”
NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “Will runs into trouble when one of his trial patients falls ill. His own stress and symptoms have Ethan struggling to get through the day.”
If any of you guys would like to watch this repeat episode of Chicago Med tonight, NBC will still be the channel for you at that 7 pm central standard time slot.
However, if you’re totally not interested in seeing this rerun episode of Chicago Med, you will most certainly want to go ahead and skip NBC tonight.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who like spoiler scoops, we were able to get a hold of some for the next, new episode 12 of Chicago Med’s current season 6 via NBC’s official, episode 6 press release. So, we’re going to dig into those real quick.
To start, NBC revealed that the producers decided to title episode 12, “SOME THINGS ARE WORTH THE RISK.” It sounds like episode 12 will feature some very intense, dramatic and emotional scenes.
In the new episode 12, Dean and Ethan will have quite the moment. At some point, we will see these two respond to a certain scene that is so potent that it brings back really terrible memories for them.
Elsewhere, Carol will be in some serious trouble in this episode as her condition will certainly get much, much worse. This will prompt some very intense actions from Natalie who is willing to do everything she can to help out Carol.
NBC’s official description for episode 12 reads like this,”Dean and Ethan respond to a scene that brings back some bad memories. When Carol’s condition worsens, Natalie is willing to do whatever it takes to get her mom feeling better.”
Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 12 of Chicago Med’s current season 6 is scheduled to finally arrive next Wednesday night, April 21, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Chicago Med” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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