The Voice May 18, 2021 Eliminated 4 Singers. Top Final 5 Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “The Voice” fans. Tonight, May 18, 2021, the LIVE results show for this season 20 of The Voice did indeed air ,and 4 unlucky contestants did indeed get the shaft when it was all said and done.
The coaches/judges: Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Nick Jonas were, of course, on hand to do what they get paid to do.
Tonight’s LIVE results episode kicked off with host Ryan Seacrest getting right down to business by revealing that Kenzie Wheeler from Team Kelly Clarkson is safe this week! So, she will be a finalist.
Next, Ryan revealed that Victor Solomon from Team John Legend was safe this week and is into the finals!
After that, the season 17 winner Jake Hoot hit the stage with his former coach Kelly Clarkson to sing their duet song titled, “I Would Have Loved You.”
Shortly after that,Ryan got back to revealing the results. He revealed that Rachel Mac from Team Nick Jonas was safe and through to the finals!
From there, Australian Rapper Masked Wolf hit the stage to perform a song called, “Astronaut in the Ocean.” After that, Ryan revealed that Cam Anthony from Team Blake Shelton is safe tonight and made it to the finals!
This means that Pia Renee, Corey Ward, Dana Monique, Jordan Matthew and Gihanna Zoe got the least amount of votes last night. So, they had to perform a sing-off for that final spot via an Instant Save from the viewing audience.
Pia Renee from Team John Legend was up first. She sang, “Everything I Wanted.” Afterwards, John said, “I like that you showcased a different part of your artistry today. You’ve given us so much of your heart.”
Corey Ward from Team Kelly Clarkson was next. He sang, “Iris.” Afterwards, Kelly said, “You picked great song. You wear your heart on your sleeve. I love that about you. Your gift is magical.”
Dana Monique from Team Nick Jonas hit the stage ,next, to sing, “Caught Up in the Rapture.” Afterwards, Nick said, “You’re so brilliant. You absolutely have to stay in this competition. You’re the best that’s ever been on the show.”
Jordan Matthew Young from Team Blake Shelton sang, “Drift Away.” Afterwards, Blake said, “I need this man in my life for one more week! I need you. Please vote for Jordan.”
Gihanna Zoe from Team Kelly Clarkson hit the stage last to sing, “Someone You Loved.” Afterwards, Kelly said, “I love that you go places I don’t even think of. I love the way your voice flows. Please vote this beautiful voice to the next round.”
After all of that, America submitted their Instant Save votes, and the results turned out to be that Jordan Matthew Young got the most votes. So, he made it through to the finals.
That means your top 5 finalists for The Voice season 20 will be: Kenzie Wheeler of Team Kelly Clarkson,Victor Solomon of Team John Legend, Rachel Mac of Team Nick Jonas, Cam Anthony of Team Blake Shelton and Jordan Matthew Young of Team Blake Shelton.
Sadly, Pia Renee, Corey Ward, Dana Monique and Gihanna Zoe were all eliminated. How do you guys feel about tonight’s May 18,2021 results for The Voice season 20? Let us know in the comments section.
You guys can view all of tonight’s May 18, 2021 episode performances on the official Youtube channel for “The Voice” by Clicking Here.
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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Voice” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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