New Chicago PD Season 8 Spoilers For May 26, 2021 Finale Episode 16 Revealed

New Chicago PD Season 8 Spoilers For May 26, 2021 Finale Episode 16 Revealed

Hey, “Chicago PD” fans. We hope you guys have totally enjoyed the current season 8 of Chicago PD thus far. We are jumping on here in this article to let you know that season 8 is indeed about to wrap up when the next, new episode 16 hits the airwaves next Wednesday night, May 26, 2021. That’s right, guys. Chicago PD season 8 will definitely conclude next week, and we’ve got some spoilery intel for it.

The lovely folks over at NBC were nice enough to provide a few new, official teaser descriptions for the new episode 16 via their episode 16 press release. So, that is what we’ll be using as a source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

To start, NBC let us know that this new, finale episode 16 has officially been named/titled, “THE OTHER SIDE.” It sounds like episode 16 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled and suspenseful scenes as Voight and company go after a deadly crime ring. Burgess gets herself into major danger and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Voight and company situation. It turns out that a deadly crime ring will be out on the loose in this episode. Voight and the Chicago PD crew will really want to take down this deadly crime ring. So, they will implement all the expertise they can get their hands on in an effort to stop this deadly crime ring.

NBC’s official description for this deadly, crime ring hunt reads like this, “Voight and the team muster all their expertise to bring down a deadly crime ring.”

The second and last teaser description for this last episode 16 lets us know that Kim Burgess will definitely not be in a good spot in this episode. Oh, no, no, no. At some point, we’re going to see Kim wind up in some pretty serious amounts of danger!

NBC’s description for this latest Kim Burgess storyline reads like this, “Burgess finds herself in a dangerous situation.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new , finale episode 16 of Chicago PD’s current season 8 is indeed scheduled to arrive on your TV screens next Wednesday night, May 26, 2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Chicago PD” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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