Big Brother July 29, 2021 Evicted Brent Champagne. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, July 29, 2021, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother season 23 did indeed air, and another unlucky houseguest was sent packing and on their way out of this game.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction episode kicked off with footage of what went down in the house after the last POV ceremony when Christian decided not to use the veto. Christian told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I wanted to do everything I can to make sure Xavier’s plan goes off flawlessly.” Brent still not knowing that everyone wanted him out told the private cams, “The votes should be 6-5 in my favor.”
Brent was seen campaigning to offer Claire, Tiffany, Derek X, Hannah and a few others safety. He even made an alliance with them called The Mafia. Meanwhile, everyone involved in The Mafia alliance told the private cams that The Mafia alliance is totally fake.
Tiffany told the private cams, “We only acted like we agreed to Brent’s plan so he wouldn’t put us up if he ever won HOH (head of household).”
They also featured a segment where Derek F kept saying ” I think Xavier is a lawyer. He gives me lawyer vibes.” Xavier obviously wanted Derek F to keep his mouth shut because Xavier told everyone he’s a model and bartender.
Alyssa told the private cams of Brent, “I just have to keep making Brent feel good and that he has the votes to stay.” At one point, Whitney tried to give Brent some advice for the outside world because she thinks he might be a good guy deep, deep down inside. She told him, “Just be careful how you talk to people.” She got frustrated though because Brent seemed very oblivious to her advice.
Claire told the private cams of Brent, “We’re in way to deep to tell Brent he’s getting blindsided this week.” After that, the target for Brent was so clear that the producers couldn’t even make up an edit that would suggest otherwise like they usually do. So, they just showed footage of what the houseguests are possibly planning to do next week, but it was, of course, all based on hypothetical outcomes since none them knew who is going to when the next HOH comp yet.
Next, the eviction nominees Britini and Brent gave their plea speeches. Afterwards, the remaining houseguests casts their votes to evict.
Christian, Azah, Derek X, Kyland, Claire, Hannah, Sarah, Alyssa, Xavier, Derek F, Whitney and Tiffany all voted to evict Brent. No one voted to evict Britini. So, by a unanimous vote of 11-0, Brent was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight. He didn’t seem shocked by it. He gave everyone a hug, and said it’s ok.
Next, Brent gave his exit interview to host Julie Chen-Moonves. She asked him if he was shocked by the unanimous vote to get him out. Brent said, “I’m not shocked. It’s the right play because I had a lot of things cooking in my mental. They made the smart play. They really did. It’s a game of betrayal and deceit. I’m a strong personality. I look like a threat. It was just an easy way of getting me out as quickly as possible.”
After Brent’s exit interview, the remaining houseguests participated in a new HOH competition. It was titled, “Peer Pressure.” All the houseguests played with their teams in this one. It was a physical challenge.
During the challenge, each team mate took turns trying to piece together a puzzle with a 25 second time clock. Each teammate had to tag in another one to start working on completing the puzzle before their 25 seconds was up. So, it was like a relay-type of challenge.
One team member would work on the puzzle a little bit and then relay it off to another team member before they got buzzed out at the 25 second mark. When it was all done, it was Christian who completed the puzzle first. So, he won the HOH comp, which means his entire Kings team of Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah are all safe this week.
Earlier, the Kings team were seen saying they agreed to target Hannah this week. So, Hannah could definitely be going up on the block during the nomination ceremony tomorrow. We’ll have to wait and see. Both the Wild Card comp and eviction nomination ceremony are scheduled to happen tomorrow. So, we’ll be back with the results of those two events tomorrow.
How do you guys feel about Christian becoming the new HOH for this week? Let us know in the comments section. The next, new episode of Big Brother season 23 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 1, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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