Big Brother 19 To Feature Another Double Elimination And Special Friday Episode

Big Brother 19 To Feature Another Double Elimination And Special Friday Episode

Hey, Big Brother Fans. There’s a couple of very special events coming up in regards to the show. One of them will happen as soon as this week! The first special event we want to go over is actually scheduled to happen a few weeks out. It turns out that we’re going to get another special Friday episode on September 15,2017. It’s set to air at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. So, be sure to mark that date down on your Big Brother TV calendars.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to gather any intel about what will be shown during this episode. The TV Guide listings on revealed that it will be airing that night but had no other details to offer. It could possibly air a number of different things since that will be close to the end of the season. It could be a special airing of the three part HOH rounds because I’m thinking they will start around that time.

We’ll have to wait until it airs to be sure though. I’m betting it’ll have something to do with the end of the game though. The worst case scenario is it’ll be another one of those shows where they sit around the table and look back over various events that happened during the season. You know? Those lame memory shows like they did with season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur this season.

Alright, the next special event that will be happening is actually taking place either this Thursday night September 7,2017 or next Thursday night, September 14,2017 during the big LIVE eviction show. Unfortunately, we’re hearing different dates from our sources and can’t get a solid confirmation on which Thursday it is. Whichever one it is will feature another Double Eviction show. So, that means we’ll be seeing two people head to the jury house. Not just one.

As previously reported, Alex and Jason are the current eviction nominees this week. Paul won the Power Of Veto competition last night. His immediate plans are to keep Alex in the house over Jason. He may or may not use the veto on Alex. That’s still sort of unclear at the moment. I think they’re going back and forth over it.

We do know if he doesn’t use the veto, Alex and Jason will be super pissed off because Paul has them thinking he will use it to pull one of them off and try to backdoor Kevin.

Paul has indicated that they definitely want to get Alex out right after Jason. So, we assume that will be their other target in this Thursday night’s Double Eviction episode. If they’re successful, we’ll be seeing Alex follow Jason right out the door as the second live eviction victim.

Other developments that we’ve reported is that Josh is finally catching on to what Paul’s doing and has mentioned it to Christmas. He sees that Paul is setting everything up to benefit his game while leaving them on the outs to take the heat for any fall outs that will happen when these last round of people get evicted.

They still appear to want to go along with what Paul is doing for now because Christmas keeps trying to talk him down from doing anything. However, Josh has indicated that he’s getting agitated by what Paul has been doing in these later stages of the game.

Josh has been shown to pull some sporadic confrontations this season. So, it’s highly possible that we could see him do something like that with Paul as we get closer to the end and the $500,000 grand prize becomes more real in these people’s minds. We can only hope at this point because everyone has been blinded by Paul’s mist all season long except for Jessica and Cody who were evicted long ago.

If they could’ve had some sort of finesse or tact in the way they did things, they might have been our heroes this season. But instead, they just kissed each other until they needed a vote. Then they would finally go and talk to people and wonder why they weren’t receptive.

Anyways, just to recap, we’ve got another special Friday episode that’s airing on September 15,2017. Then we’ve got the second, big Double Eviction episode either this Thursday night, September 7,2017 or next Thursday night, September 14,2017. So, get ready for that and stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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