Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 10, 2021 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 10, 2021 POV Ceremony Results Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. It’s that time again. We are back in action with another very important report from inside the Big Brother season 23 house. Yesterday, August 9, 2021, the POV Ceremony did take place, and we do have the results of it for you right now.

First, we’re going to do a quick recap of this week so far to make sure everyone is all caught up on everything. This past Thursday night, August 5, 2021, Derek X claimed the new HOH (Head Of Household) crown after winning the latest HOH competition.

Then on Friday, August 6, 2021, Derek X threw Britini and Sarah up on the eviction chopping block during his nomination ceremony with Christian being his target for a possible backdoor play. On Saturday, August 7, 2021, the POV competition was played, and it was Britini who pulled out the win. That all leads us up to yesterday’s POV ceremony.

During it, it was no surprise that Britini used the veto to take herself off the eviction chopping block.That meant reigning HOH Derek X had to throw up a replacement nominee, and he totally went for the big move by throwing Christian up there to join Sarah! That means Sarah and Christian are the final, eviction nominees for this week, and one of them will be leaving the Big Brother house this Thursday night, August 12, 2021.

Right now, Christian is Derek X’s backdoor target, but there has been some campaigning going on. At around 1 pm pacific time yesterday, August 9, 2021, Christian told Xavier and Alyssa, “I’m going this week because I don’t have the Queens’ votes.”

At around 1:35 PM, Claire told Christian, “There is a solid chance that you could stay this week. I just don’t know where my head is at or anyone else’s head is at right now.”

At around 1:41 PM, Sarah told Kyland, “Azah and Britini have already promised me their votes.” At around 1:44 PM, Britini told Christian, “You have my vote.”

At around 4:15 PM, Sarah told Kyland, “I feel good about Azah’s vote, and I know Hannah will do whatever Derek X wants her to do. I’m not really too worried about securing the votes to stay this week.”

At around 8:41 PM, Tiffany told Kyland, “If Christian were to stay, it would really mess up our alliance because Christian would go for Derek X. That messes up your game, Hannah’s game and my game.”

At around 9:10 PM, Britini told Azah, “We don’t need to be afraid of Alyssa. We can beat her at the next HOH because she’s going to be distraught having just lost Christian.”

At around 11:30 PM, Derek F told Britini, “Alyssa will come to our side when Christian leaves.”

At around 10:19 AM today, August 10, 2021, Azah told Britini, “Alyssa is going to be on a rampage after Christian leaves. So, we need to make sure she doesn’t win HOH and try to get her out next week.”

At around 12:43 PM, Christian approached Derek X with a deal to not go after him for at least the next 3 weeks if he were to stay. Derek X told Christian, “The deal sounds good, but I still need to think about it.”

At around 1:35 PM, Alyssa also campaigned to Derek X. She basically told him that Christian is good for his word on that 3-week safety deal. Derek X also told Alyssa, “I need to think about it.” Alyssa also pitched to Derek X that if Sarah stays, she will definitely target his sidekick Hannah.

Judging from those conversations, it definitely seems like the vote will be leaning way in favor of voting Christian out this Thursday night, but Christian and Alyssa are still campaigning hard. So, things could definitely change between now and then.

How do you guys feel about Derek X nominating Christian in Britini’s place for eviction this week at the POV ceremony? Lets us know in the comments section.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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