Big Brother August 12, 2021 Evicted Christian Birkenberger. New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 12, 2021, another LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 23 did indeed air, and another unlucky houseguest was sent packing off a wicked backdoor play. We also found out who the new HOH (Head Of Household) is for this week.
Tonight’s LIVE eviction show kicked off with footage of the POV (Power Of Veto) Ceremony. During it,Britini , of course, took herself off the block with her veto win. Then, reigning HOH Derek X made the big, backdoor move by throwing Christian up on the chopping block in Britini’s place.
Derek X told Christian, “You’re too big of a competitor, sorry.” Christian told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “Derek X is a coward for putting me up on a week I couldn’t compete for the veto.” Derek X told the private cams, “Everything’s going as planned to get Christian out.” He was quite ecstatic.
Derek F gave Christian a hug and told him you have my vote, but Derek F told the private cams, “I need to check in with my alliance to see where their heads are at before making a decision.” Christian kept trying to pitch to Derek X, “We’re each other’s shields. It’s in your best interest for me to stay.”
Next, they revealed the punishments that certain houseguests incurred during the veto comp. Claire got the “Duke Of The Duck” punishment. During it, she had to wear a card unitard all week long and play cards with herself when she was told to by production.
Kyland got the Jacka#% of clubs punishment. For it, he had to wear a Jacka#% of clubs costume all week and make a club sandwich for everyone in the house when he was ordered to by production.
Tiffany told Christian she’s voting with the house. Christian told Tiffany, “You and Claire are the house.” Tiffany told Christian, “You make a very valid point. I have a lot to think about.” Tiffany told her Cookout alliance, “I am not the swing vote, and if Christian asks me again, I’m going to tell him that.”
Derek F told Azah, “I don’t want to work with Tiffany anymore. She’s not going to tell me or my team what to do. She’s a fake a%^ b%^tch.” Azah asked Derek F to please not quit the Cookout alliance.
Tiffany told Christian, “The jokers aren’t voting for you. Big D (aka Derek F) and Azah are flip floppers. I am not the swing vote. If I was, I would vote for you to stay.”
Tiffany told the private cams, “Keeping Christian is actually more beneficial for my game than Sarah.” Xavier and Tiffany talked. They both agreed that Christian is good for their games since he would always be a bigger target than them. They agreed to try and flip the vote to get Sarah out and went to work. Tiffany talked with Claire about keeping Christian. Claire agreed to flip with Tiffany.
Tiffany wanted to talk with Britini alone about flipping the vote to Sarah, but Derek F and Azah insisted on accompanying Britini while she talked with Tiffany. Derek F told Tiffany, “If we’re all on the same page, you can talk to all of us.” Tiffany refused to talk to Britini while Derek F and Azah were there and told Britini, “I’ll talk to you later.”
Tiffany ran back and told Hannah and Xavier that she was very ticked off about Derek F and Azah trying to act like Britini’s bodyguards.
After all of that footage, the eviction nominees Christian and Sarah gave their plea speeches. Then, the remaining houseguests casts their votes to evict. Xavier and Alyssa voted to evict Sarah.
Hannah, Kyland, Britini, Derek F, Tiffany, Claire and Azah all voted to evict Christian. So, by a landslide vote of 7-2, Christian was indeed evicted from the Big Brother season 23 house tonight via a wicked backdoor move.
Afterwards, Christian gave his exit interview to host Julie Chen-Moonves. Julie asked Christian, “Why do you think the houseguests voted you out this week?” Christian said, “I’m currently on a 57 percent win streak. They figured this is the time to take the shot at me because they might not get another chance.”
Christian also said, “I respect Derek X’s game move because I should’ve taken that shot at him last week. However, he’s going to go out a lot sooner now that I’m gone.”
Next,Julie told the remaining houseguests that they’ve all made it to jury. Then, she revealed a new twist that will be in play. This new twist is a new room in the house called the High Roller’s room. It will feature 3, unique BB casino games.
These games give the houseguests the opportunity to win game-changing powers like taking themselves off the block, winning a second veto, etc. America will vote to give contestants BB bucks, which they will need to be able to play these BB casino games and win different powers.
The better the power, the more BB bucks it costs to play the game. Houseguests will also be able to save their BB bucks for a bigger power later on down the line.
They didn’t play the new HOH (Head Of Household) comp during the LIVE eviction show tonight, but we were able to find out who won it on the LIVE feeds! It turns out that Kyland won this week’s new HOH comp. So, he will be the new HOH for this week.
Who will Kyland nominate for eviction this week? That is the next, big question. We will find out tomorrow after Kyland’s nomination ceremony takes place. So, we will definitely jump back on here tomorrow to give you guys the results of it.
How do you guys feel about Christian getting evicted tonight, and Kyland winning the new HOH competition? Let us know in the comments section.
The next,new Big Brother season 23 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, August 15, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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