Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 13, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Happy Friday, “Big Brother” fans. It’s that time again. We are back on here because another very important, weekly event has taken place in the Big Brother season 23 house. Earlier today, the eviction nomination ceremony took place, and we have the results of it. So, we’re going to tell you who’s currently up for the dreaded eviction this week.
As we previously reported, Kyland is currently the new HOH (Head Of Household) after pulling off another HOH win during last night’s HOH competition. This is Kyland’s second HOH of this season. This means Kyland was in charge of nominating two people for eviction today.
After Kyland’s nomination ceremony was all said and done, Claire and Derek F were the unlucky ones who ended up on the eviction chopping block this week.
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, Claire is the main target, and Derek F is just a pawn. However, there are a lot of new twists that could take place this week to change these nominations.
As we previously reported, the High Roller’s room twist is currently in play. It will give certain houseguests the opportunity to win special powers. That coupled with tomorrow’s POV (Power Of Veto) competition leaves the door wide open for something to change.
At around 11:36 am pacific time today, August 13, 2021, Kyland was seen telling Derek X,”Claire is up there because she is the safest of the Detectives.” Derek X said, “I see why Claire is on the block, but why Derek F?” Kyland said, “I just wanted to have three options to go home with all the powers that will potentially be floating around.”
At around 11:45 am, Alyssa expressed to Xavier that she thinks that the plan is to backdoor Britini this week because enough time will pass before the Veto Ceremony for any powers to be played.
At around 12:15 pm, Derek F told Britini and Azah, “I’m sure I’m the target this week and Claire is a pawn.”
So,right now, it’s still pretty up in the air as to who is actually the main target this week. Literally, anything could happen with these extra powers getting thrown in the mix. So, we’ll just have to wait and see. We will definitely get a clearer picture after the High Roller’s room twist and POV competition takes place.
How do you guys feel about Kyland nominating Derek F and Claire for eviction today? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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