Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 15, 2021 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed

Happy Sunday, “Big Brother” fans. We hope you’re having another terrific weekend. We are, of course , back on here ,today, because the latest POV (Power Of Veto) competition took place yesterday, August 14, 2021, and we’re going to tell you who won the darn thing.
Before we do, we’re going to do what we usually do and give you guys a brief recap of this week so far to make sure everyone is up to speed on everything. This past Thursday night, August 12, 2021, Kyland became the new HOH (Head Of Household) after pulling off his second HOH competition win of this season.
Then, on Friday, August 13, 2021, Kyland decided to use his HOH powers to nominate Claire and Derek F for eviction this week. That all brings us to yesterday’s, August 14, 2021 POV competition.
Kyland and his two eviction nominees Claire and Derek F played for veto by default. Alyssa, Azah and Britini were randomly drawn/picked to play for veto. Also, according to the folks over at Big Brother Network ,the High Rollers Room twist is in full effect.
Certain players participated in one of the High Rollers Room games. This particular game consisted of them betting on who would win the POV competition this week. If their bet was correct, they won a second veto. Bets were placed on Kyland, Alyssa, Azah and Britini to win. Claire bet on Kyland to win. Derek F bet on Britini to win. Kyland bet on Alyssa to win, and Sarah bet on Azah to win.
According to conversations on the feed last night, this POV comp was the OTEV competition, which is both mental and physical. When it was all said and done, it was Alyssa who pulled off the victory! That also means Kyland won the second veto since he bet on Alyssa to win in the High Rollers room game.
Kyland was seen saying that he does plan to use his veto to pull Claire off the chopping block and replace her with Britini. Apparently, Britini won 100 points in the High Rollers room voting, and Kyland wants to just flush Britini out of the game so she can’t use all of those points.
At around 6:26 PM pacific time yesterday, August 14, 2021, Kyland told Xavier, “My plan is to save Claire and renom Britini as the target.” Tiffany was seen trying to convince Alyssa to use the veto to save Claire because she thinks Kyland is working against the Cookout alliance.
At around 6:37 PM, Kyland was seen promising Claire ,directly, that he will save her with his Veto.
At around 6:45 PM, Britini revealed that she’s absolutely clueless about this plan to backdoor her. She thinks that none of the vetos will be used and that Kyland will target Claire to go over Derek F. So, she’s going to be very upset after tomorrow’s POV ceremony. No doubt about it.
At around 6:50 pm, Claire told Alyssa, “Kyland promised to save me. Britini is the target.” Alyssa promised Claire that she will not use her Veto.
At around 7:10 PM, Kyland told Derek F, “Claire will be saved ,and Britini is the renom target. I need you to lie to Azah and tell her that Alyssa was my original target before the veto comp, but then Alyssa won it. So, I had to put up Britini.” Derek F agreed to use that story with Azah.
At around 2:30 AM today, August 15, 2021, Kyland told Azah, “The plan is to take out Britini this week to benefit the Cookout alliance.” Azah agreed with that plan.
At around 4:10 AM, Kyland and Tiffany both agreed that Claire should come off the block so Derek X isn’t so suspicious about the Cookout alliance.
Judging from those conversations, it seems quite clear that Britini will be going up in Claire’s place during tomorrow’s POV ceremony. On top of that, Britini will finally be the main target for eviction. So, we do expect all hell to break loose based on Britini’s past reactions to be nominated simply as a pawn. We might get tears from Britini all the way until this Thursday night, August 20, 2021.
How do you guys feel about Alyssa winning the veto and Kyland winning a second veto this week? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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