Chicago Med Season 7, November 17, 2021 Episode 9 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Chicago Med Season 7, November 17, 2021 Episode 9 Delayed. Not Airing For A While

Hey, “Chicago Med” fans. It’s that time of year again. We have to hop on here and break some super bad news to you guys. It turns out that NBC will not be airing the next, new episode 9 of Chicago Med’s current season 7 tonight, November 17, 2021. In fact, NBC won’t be airing new episodes of Chicago Med for quite some time.

Right now, we’re looking at about a 3-week delay for Chicago Med’s next, new episode 9. NBC revealed that episode 9 is currently scheduled to air on Wednesday night, December 8, 2021 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be sure to make a mental note of that very important date and time.

We were able to track down what NBC will be airing instead of the next, new episode 9 of Chicago Med’s current season 7. Tonight, NBC will be airing a repeat episode of Chicago Med. This repeat episode is the first episode of this season 7 titled, “YOU CAN’T ALWAYS TRUST WHAT YOU SEE.”

NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “Will Halstead return to Med to help Goodwin with a secret investigation. Archer and Charles deal with twins who insist on being identical inside and out. Stevie and Dylan treat a young patient with sickle cell anemia.”

Then, next Wednesday night, November 24, 2021, NBC will air another repeat episode of Chicago Med. It will be the 2nd episode of this season 7 titled,”TO LEAN IN, OR TO LET GO” REPEAT.”

NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “Vanessa and Archer disagree on how to handle the victim of a motorcycle accident. Dylan and Charles deal with a UNICEF negotiator with repressed trauma. Stevie and Will treat a high schooler with Addison’s disease and a clingy mother.”

You’ll have to check your local listings to see what NBC will be airing on Wednesday night, December 1, 2021 because we don’t currently have that information. Anyways, if any of you guys are up for watching those particular Chicago Med repeat episodes, you might still want to flip on NBC during this 3-week delay.

If you only want to see the next, new episode 9 of Chicago Med season 7, you will definitely want to mark NBC off of your Wednesday night, primetime schedule until the December 8, 2021 date gets here.

Usually, we have some spoiler scoops for the next, new episodes for you spoiler lovers, but we don’t ,this time, because NBC hasn’t released any promotional materials for the next, new episode 9 of Chicago Med’s current season 7 yet. The only thing we could track down is an official title. It’s called, “Secret Santa Has a Gift for You.” Judging by that title, it sounds like it might be some sort of Christmas episode.

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 9 of Chicago Med’s current season 7 is scheduled to finally hit the air on Wednesday night, December 8, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Chicago Med” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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