New Yellowstone Season 4 Spoilers For January 2, 2022 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

New Yellowstone Season 4 Spoilers For January 2, 2022 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Yellowstone” fans. We totally hope you guys got everything you wanted and more out of episode 9. Now that it’s officially done and over with, we are back in action to tell you how this current season 4 of Yellowstone will officially end when the next, new episode 10 arrives on Sunday night, January 2, 2022. That’s right, guys. Episode 10 is indeed the last episode of this season.

We were able to scrounge up an official description for one of episode 10’s main storylines from Paramount Plus’ official, episode 10 press release. So, we are definitely going to crack it open and take a look at it right now. Let’s go.

First off, Paramount Plus revealed that this new, finale episode 10 of Yellowstone’s current season 4 is officially titled,”Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops.” So, that is a really, really long title indeed.

It sounds like episode 10 will feature some very intense, dramatic, scandalous, interesting and possible emotional scenes.

In the new episode 10, Denim Richards, Jefferson White and Ian Bohen will take the spotlight in this storyline that Paramount Plus chose to reveal. Yep, these three are going to sit down and have a discussion in this episode. During it, they will end up dissecting Beth and Caroline’s fierce rivalry, the choice that Jamie made while being blackmailed and the reaction that Mia had when she heard about Jimmy’s engagement.

Paramount Plus’ official description for episode 10 reads like this, “Denim Richards, Jefferson White and Ian Bohen dissect Beth and Caroline’s fierce rivalry, Jamie’s fateful choice under blackmail and Mia’s reaction to Jimmy’s engagement news.”

Paramount Plus’ press release confirmed that the next, new, finale episode 10 of Yellowstone’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to hit the air on Sunday night, January 2, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Yellowstone” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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