New This Is Us Season 6 Spoilers For January 25, 2022 Episode 4 Revealed

New This Is Us Season 6 Spoilers For January 25, 2022 Episode 4 Revealed

Hey, “This Is Us” fans. We hope you guys totally liked what episode 3 delivered to you tonight. Now that episode 3 has officially wrapped up, we are back on here to let you guys know a little bit about what’s coming up in the next, new episode 4 of This Is Us’ current season 6, which is currently scheduled to make its debut next Tuesday night, January 25, 2022.

We were able to track down a super brief, teaser description for the new episode 4 direct from NBC’s official, episode 4 press release. So, we’re going to read over that description right now, and see what it’s all about. Let’s go.

First thing’s first. NBC’s press release let us know that this new episode 4 of This Is Us’ current season 6 has been officially named/titled, “Don’t Let Me Keep You.” It sounds like episode 4 will feature some possible interesting, dramatic and emotional scenes.

In the new episode 4, we’re going to see Jack be the main focus for this description that NBC chose to reveal. That’s right, guys. The main focus will be on Jack and what he’s up to. Apparently, Jack will be a traveling man at some point because we’re going to see him set out on a journey, and his destination will be none other than Ohio. For some reason, Jack is going to visit Ohio, and we’ll just have to wait and see what happens after that.

NBC’s official description for episode 4 reads like this, “Jack visits Ohio.” Who will Jack go to see when he hits up Ohio? Will he have a safe trip? Those are some big questions we’ll be looking to see get answered before the hour concludes next week. So, get ready for it.

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next,new episode 4 of This Is Us’ current season 6 is indeed scheduled to make its debut next Tuesday night, January 25, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “This Is Us” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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