New Big Sky Season 2 Spoilers For March 3, 2022 Episode 10 Revealed

New Big Sky Season 2 Spoilers For March 3, 2022 Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Big Sky” fans. We totally hope you guys had the absolute most wonderful time watching episode 9 tonight, especially since it had gotten delayed for two whole months. Now that episode 9 finally made its arrival tonight, we are back on here to get some more spoiler parties going.

In this one, we’re going to be telling you what’s going on in the next,new episode 10 of Big Sky’s current season 2. It’s due to arrive next Thursday night, March 3, 2022.

We were able to dig up some new, official teaser descriptions for this new episode 10 via ABC’s official episode 10 press release. So, that’s what we’re going to be working with for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

For starters, NBC let us know that this new, 10th episode in Big Sky’s current season 2 lineup is officially titled, “Happy Thoughts.”

It sounds like episode 10 will feature some scandalous, intense, interesting, dramatic, action-filled and possible suspenseful scenes as Ren messes up Jenny’s plan. Ronald and Scarlett team up. Cassie and Lindor start working together. Jag and Ren start clashing and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Ren and Jenny situation. It turns out that Jenny will have a solid plan in motion to get Jag into custody, but Ren is going to totally screw it up when he decides to intervene.

ABC’s official description for this Ren and Jenny storyline tells us, “Ren intervenes with Jenny’s plan to bring Jag into custody.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Ronald and Scarlett will be smack dab in the middle of a totally new environment in this episode. So, we’re going to see them make the choice to team up in an effort to get them somewhere they think is safe.

ABC’s description for this Ronald and Scarlett scenario reads like this, “Ronald and Scarlett work together to find safety in a new environment.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know that Cassie and Lindor will end up at the ranch at some point and see the whole aftermath of what happened there, and it will end up prompting them to go ahead and work together along with a familiar face.

ABC’s description for this Cassie and Lindor plotline reads like this, “Cassie and Lindor discover the aftermath at the ranch and reluctantly join forces with a familiar face.”

The 4th and final teaser spoiler for this new episode 10 lets us know that Jag and Ren will be in the midst of waiting for their father to pay them a visit at some point. While doing to so, they will end up fighting over how to deal with a problem that has surfaced at Joseph’s ranch!

ABC’s description for this Jag and Ren drama tells us, “Jag and Ren will anxiously await their father’s visit and find themselves at odds about how to deal with the problem of Joseph’s ranch. Will the pressure of impressing him lead them down a familiar and dangerous path?”

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 10 of Big Sky’s current season 2 is indeed scheduled to make its rounds next Thursday night, March 3, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Sky” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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