Legacies Season 4, March 17, 2022 Episode 13 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Legacies” fans. Unfortunately, we had to jump on here ,real quick, because we’ve just found out that The CW, for some unknown reason, is not going to air the next, new episode 13 of Legacies’ current season 4 tonight, March 17, 2022. If that’s not bad enough, they’re also not going to air it next Thursday night, March 24, 2022!
That’s right, fellow Legacies fans. Your favorite show is currently in the midst of a 2-week delay. The CW did confirm that they plan to air the new episode 13 on Thursday night, March 31, 2022 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your TV show calendars.
So, what could The CW possibly be airing instead of the next, new episode 13 of Legacies’ current season 4 tonight? We did track down that information. According to the TV guide listings, The CW has a couple of Legacies’ repeat episodes lined up. Tonight, they’re going to re-air the 10th episode of this season 4 titled, “The Story of My Life.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Cleo, MG and Jed work together on an unusual mission. Alaric, Landon and Ted figure out what is next for them. An unexpected source takes Hope by surprise.”
Then, next Thursday night, March 24, 2022, The CW will re-air the 11th episode of this season 4 titled, “Follow the Sound of My Voice.” The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Hope and Lizzie find themselves at a carnival with an unusual cast of characters. At the Salvatore School, students speak their minds without knowing why, which makes Jed reveal a secret. Cleo works on protecting one of her classmates.”
If any of you guys are down for watching these particular repeat episodes of Legacies, you might still want to tune in to The CW, tonight, as you normally would. If you only want new episodes of Legacies, you will most certainly want to get some alternate plans in motion as soon as possible.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested in what’s going on in the next, new episode 13 of Legacies current season 4, we were able to track down a few, new, official teaser descriptions for it from The CW’s official episode 13 press release.
First off, The CW let us know that this new episode 13 does have an official title. It’s called, “Was This the Monster You Saw.” It sounds like episode 13 will feature some very interesting, emotional, festive, possible action-filled and suspenseful scenes.
The CW’s official description for episode 13 reads like this, “Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) continues on her quest with mixed results. Ben (guest star Zane Phillips) reveals more about his family and its history, and Jed (Ben Levin) finds his feelings deepening. Cleo (Omono Okojie) is concerned about her recent changes. Meanwhile, the Salvatore School students comes together to celebrate one of their own.”
The CW also released a preview clip for episode 13. It features new scenes of Hope telling the crew that they need her because there are some gods on the scene that they know nothing about. She also said they could all possibly die! You guys can view the episode 13 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Episode 13 will also feature: Danielle Rose Russell as character Hope Mikaelson, Matthew Davis as character Alaric Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi as character Landon Kirby, Quincy Fouse as character MG and Chris Lee as character Kaleb. Episode 13 was written by Brett Matthews & Kimberly Ndombe, and it was directed by Trevor E.S. Juarez.
Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of Legacies’ current season 4 is scheduled to finally make it’s way to the air on Thursday night, March 31, 2022 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest,”Legacies” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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