Good Sam Season 1, April 13, 2022 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Good Sam” fans. Unfortunately, we’ve got some super bad news again for you guys in this article. It turns out that CBS is not going to air the next, new episode 11 of Good Sam’s current, premiere season 1 tonight, April 13, 2022. That’s right, guys. It’s not going to happen tonight.
The good news is that this particular delay is just for this week. CBS has let us know that they do plan to air the new episode 11 next Wednesday night, April 20, 2022 in its usual, 9 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be sure to remember that very important date and time.
Here’s why CBS isn’t airing the next, new episode 11 of Good Sam’s current season 1 tonight. Apparently, CBS is serving up a special, 2-hour episode of Survivor from 7-9 pm central standard time. Then, in the 9 pm time slot, they’re going to air another new episode of their new reality show called, “Beyond the Edge.”
So, it looks like CBS just isn’t going to have enough time to fit in the new Good Sam episode tonight. So, they’re bumping it to next week.
CBS’ official description for tonight’s Beyond The Edge season 1, episode 5 reads like this, “The eight remaining celebrities push themselves past their limits as their physical injuries begin to take a toll; two celebrities step up to earn more money for their charities; one celebrity seeks medical attention after taking a dangerous fall.” It’s also officially titled, “We Ain’t in Hollywood No More.”
If any of you guys are up for watching these reality shows ,tonight, you might still want to stick with CBS during this delay. If you only want new episodes of Good Sam, you will definitely want to skip CBS, tonight, and check back in next Wednesday night.
Spoiler Warning: If you’re interested, we did collect some new, official spoiler descriptions for the next, new episode 11 of Good Sam’s current, premiere season 1 straight from CBS’ official episode 11 press release.
In it, CBS let us know that the new episode 11 is officially titled, “Family/Business.” It sounds like episode 11 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic, suspenseful and emotional scenes.
CBS’ official description for episode 11 reads like this, “As Griff completes his proctorship and prepares to make his official return to surgery, hospital board chairwoman Tina Kingsley (Victoria Rowell) makes a stunning announcement that threatens the future of Lakeshore Sentinel.
Also, Lex meets her no-nonsense new boss, and the conflict between Isan and Joey comes to a head as the surgical team prepares for a high-stakes lung transplant on the CBS Original series GOOD SAM.”
Episode 11 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Gerardo Celasco as character (Dr. Nick Vega), Jeff Clarke as character (Johnny Deane), Tammy Isbell as character (Susan Dean), Hannah Galway as character (Chloe), Sydney Kuhne as character (Yolanda), Ipsita Paul as character (Gladys Bridges) and Anita Sarda as character (Board Member).
Episode 11 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Sendhil Ramamurthy as character (Asher Pyne), Victoria Rowell as character (Tina Kingsley), Marium Carvell as character (Nurse Donna Williams), Stephen Tracey as character (Tim Davis), Travis Van Winkle as character (Dr. Eric Kace) and Evan Parke as character (Byron Kingsley).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 11 are: Sophia Bush as character (Dr. Sam Griffith), Jason Isaacs as character (Dr. Rob “Griff” Griffith), Skye P. Marshall as character (Dr. Lex Trulie), Michael Stahl-David as character (Dr. Caleb Tucker), Omar Maskati as character (Dr. Isan M. Shah), Davi Santos as character (Dr. Joey Costa), Wendy Crewson as character (Vivian Katz) and Edwin Hodge as character (Malcolm A. Kingsley).
Episode 11 was written by Lydia Teffera and Jeremy Svenson, and it was directed by Jason Isaacs.
Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 11 of Good Sam’s current, premiere season 1 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air next Wednesday night, April 20, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time. It will also be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Good Sam” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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